Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Birthday Blessings

Birthdays are a wonderful time to reflect on the blessings in one's life.  As I turned the big 30, I was reminded all day long of the special people that surround me and how truly fortunate I am to have you all in my life.   

As I grew up and thought about what life was going to hold for me when I was thirty, I couldn't have imagined a more perfect place.  Living in my parents basement at 30 was a haunting reality all too close. And believe me, being a nun was not out of the realm of possibilities...ask my mother.  I believe for a good five years I told people I was pretty sure the monastic life was for me.  Married and pregnant, I guess the closest I will be to becoming a nun is teaching sixth grade religion. 

Back to the subject at hand, I just want to say thank you all for the cards, phone calls, texts, emails, thoughts, and gifts on my 30th birthday!  I was absolutely grinning and glowing all day from the good wishes and love being sent my way.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Random Birthday Moments:
  • Butter actually got out of bed before me! He was going to bring me breakfast in bed, but I got too soon after him so he didn't get it upstairs in time.
  • My co-workers sent me an email that included 30 things they appreciate about me.  Truly everyone should be told the things that they add to the lives of others. 
  • My mom and dad gave me my own luggage.  Now you must know, luggage has been on my list for years (I am, by no means, a world traveler, but have done my fair share).  My dad said I would not get it until I moved out.  Four years later, I finally got it!  (Let's not do the math to figure out how long I lived at home, okay?)
  • Butter told me part of my gift was that he made massage appointments for us next weekend.  I appreciate him making the appointment, but he made it because his sister gave us a gift card for Christmas to a spa for massages.  I had to call him out on that one!  However, I am very much looking forward to our massages this weekend (thanks, Amy)!  Oh, and Kortney, Kassi, and Josh gave me pampering gift certificates to a new spa in town and a nail salon along with bubble bath...I might make it through the last trimester after all!
  • With the excellent culinary skills exhibited by my husband at breakfast, I thought the cake on the previous post was going to show up at Timberlodge last night...I guess he is just not there, yet.  I "settled" on the apple crisp with ice cream.  I highly recommend it...mmmmmmmmm!  Thanks again, dad and mom for dinner!
  • I could go on and on, but should wrap it up. So, finally...Mufasa gave me gift for my birthday, too.  Not sleeplessness, big kicks, swelling, or numbness (those are special gifts I get everyday:)), but literally a gift to unwrap.  The card said "Hi, Mommy! Know what this is?" "A snuggle-bug hug that's filled with love!"  Awwwwww...Butter is going to be a fabulous dad!  Baby Mousel gave me a very snuggly blanket, which I am pretty sure might be worn out by me before April even rolls around, and two sleeper gowns.  So cute!  
Thank you all again for thinking of me on my special day!  Hugs, kisses, and love sent back to each of you!

1 comment:

  1. Awww! A gift from baby - so sweet! Glad you had a great 30th, Kati!!
