Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Mufasa Birth Challenge

As promised here is the winner of the "Mufasa Birth Challenge." It is really weird to say Mufasa now that our little Isabel is here. Hard to believe she still wasn't supposed to be here for another week. Needless to say, Kati and I are very happy that we are not still awaiting her arrival.

From Kati's sister Kerri:

I promised, at Kati's baby shower, that I would send a gift to the winner of the baby poll guessing game (out of the guests at the shower). Since sweet Isabel arrived early, I wasn't nearly ready with my craft. I am however, a keeper of my word, so as much as I wanted to procrastinate and enjoy my Friday evening relaxing, I completed my project.

The prize.

(hint: the winner's name starts with a S)


Sex: Girl
Birthdate: March 27 (3 days difference)
Weight: 7 lbs 10 oz (2 oz difference)
Length: 21 inches (1 inch difference)

And the winner is:


Sue is the Great Aunt of Isabel Elizabeth.

Congratulations Sue!

Now Sue, could you give me the winning lottery numbers for next week?!?!
Thank you.


Thanks Kerri for the very generous prize and congratulations Sue!

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