Thursday, July 22, 2010

Summer Vacation

Where have you gone? I can't believe it is the end of July already and I will be going back to work in a month. Yes, I know I have been very fortunate in my time off with Isabel, but it is still quite scary to think about having two full time jobs! Those parents out there know exactly what I am talking about. Anyway, enough about work, here is what we have been up to the month of July.

July brought our first night away from our little girl, and not just one night but four nights! Butter and I made our third trip up to Alaska to celebrate Amy and Andy's wedding. Saying goodbye to Isabel was not easy. Yes, I cried all the way to the airport which made Butter very nervous for the rest of the trip and my mom and dad thought they were going to have to come back and pick us up before we left. To everyone's amazement, we all survived, but were definitely ready to get back to our little girl.

The Bride, Amy, my college roommate, put together a super fun and beautiful wedding weekend, and we couldn't think of better reason to make the first big trip away from Isabel than our dear friend's happily ever Butter took over 450 pictures to prove it!

A hiking excursion at Hatcher's Pass was an awesome way to get outdoors and enjoy the beautiful Alaska scenery.
(In this photo: Amy, Graham, Sarah S, Jodi, Zach, Kati, and Nikki)

Yeah, we basically rock!
(Kati, Megan and Zach)

The lake at the top of our hike was breath-taking. The fog was so heavy when we first walked up I did not even realize the lake was there, but it lifted during the time we inhaled this serene beauty.

Hatcher's Pass is home to an old mining operation. Here is a run-down cabin along the trail.

On the bus to the wedding reception...gotta love the school bus!
Mr. and Mrs. Gorn's first dance as husband and wife...such a happy couple!
Sara, Megan, Kati, and Jodi pose for a "rare" photo op!
Cha-cha Slide! Very impressive, Ladies.
11:00pm - Getting ready to call it a night or not?!
(In the photo: Zach, Megan, Sara, Butter, Andy, Graham, Kati, and Jodi)
(Photo credit: Nikki)

Too Cute! One of the many hand-made decorations created by the Bride...she did an absolutely awesome job!
The ride back from the reception. Nothing like a school bus with a few brews and friends to get the crew singing...ah, the Link.
The bride and groom...goodnight.

When we were away, Isabel got to go to the cabin with Grandpa and Grandma. She loved being there and taking naps outside in her chair. I was hoping Grandma would work her magic and Isabel would be in a napping and nighttime sleeping routine, but as I am learning she has her own ideas. Luckily, I do not think she kept Grandma up too much! While with Grandma and Grandpa, she grew and filled out in her face, found more of her voice, discovered her giggle (too darn cute, by the way), and got a tan (Grandma says it was more from the wind, but a little sun kissed is okay with me).

When we returned from Alaska, we changed out our bags and joined them at the cabin for the week. Being at the cabin with a baby changes the meaning of "relaxing at the cabin", but it is such a blessing to be sharing this special place with her. Almost everyday, I think about how grateful I am for this amazing place and how lucky little Isabel is to begin her summertime enjoyment of the cabin. My Grandma and Grandpa sure know how to continue giving of themselves and love even from up above.

Isabel lounging in her chair outside enjoying the lake

Isabel's first dip in the lake with tears, but not quite ready to splash
and play like in the tub.

Isabel loving her new sun hat...a little big yet!

Isabel in her "Jenny Jump Up" courtesy of Grandma and Grandpa...
not quite jump around, but loves sitting in it!

Ava, Maddie, Elias, and Josie taking a rare time out from swimming for a photo op with Isabel

Isabel and daddy enjoying the raft

Family shot enjoying the summertime sun...pretty brave swimsuit photo!

Currently, we are working on that aforementioned sleeping routine...please pray for us!! And we are looking forward to a weekend visit from Grandpa and Grandma Mousel, another trip to the cabin at the end of the month, a Twin's game or two, daddy's 24-hour mountain bike race at the end of August, and all the other spontaneous events summer brings!


  1. Love the Alaska pics! Butter, you do nice work :)

    Isabel is such a doll in her swimsuit! Looks like a fun time was had by all at the cabin!

  2. Isabel's a little fish, I'm jealous of all her lake time. What a cutie pie!

    I'm still sad you guys have already come and gone for Amy's wedding. It was so great to see you - next time bring Isabel :)
