Thursday, August 26, 2010


What do we have on our hands? A thumb sucker! A very cute one at that I might add. In the last week, Isabel has become a very avid thumb sucker. Her hand, fingers and, most recently, toes have always found her mouth, but she has never been content with just the thumb until now. I am not sure how I feel about it as (ahem) one of my sisters had a terrible time breaking this habit as she grew up. And I am not sure if she even has completely quit even today. Thumb sucking is definitely cute as this age, but not so much as a second grader (or a college freshman)! Oh well, the cuteness factor always wins out and really how do you keep a five month old from it?!


  1. Super cute! I broke the habit at kindergarten. I was told my front teeth would stick out from the pressure put on them. Must be a vain person because I quit cold turkey! Too bad she doesn't have the teeth yet to try that reasoning! ;)

  2. ha. I didn't quit sucking my thumb until 5th grade! It was actually the day I got braces. Quit cold turkey...but forced my parents to spend thousands to save their buck toothed child. So don't worry-she'll be fine. Just start saving for those dental appt's now! See ya soon. Got lots of clothes for ya. Love Mando
