Friday, September 3, 2010

So Long Summer

It was a week of firsts for the Mousel family. Isabel spent her first week of full days at daycare, daddy started to drop off at daycare, and mommy started her school year.

For the most part things have gone really well, but Monday didn't get off to the greatest start. Kati's alarm was set for 5:15pm instead of 5:15am, which meant getting up an hour later than anticipated (6:23am to be exact). This sent the morning routine, which really isn't a routine yet, on it's head. We managed to get everything ready and out the door by 7:10...Kati probably wouldn't have been able to do that pre-baby! As I was heading to drop Isabel off, I glanced in the rearview mirror and realized I hadn't put any gel in my hair...Kati thinks au natural is a good look for me, though. Then I glanced down and realized I was wearing a polo with baby food splattered all over it. Yeah, laundry has not been getting done as often as it should. Oh well, such is life for new parents. Luckily, the rest of the week went much smoother and I think we have developed ourselves a routine that should work for us.

To add to Monday's excitement, Isabel also turned 5 months old! It is crazy to think she is already 5 months, where has the time gone?! Kati said she felt a little sad as she was going through Isabel's summer clothes knowing she was putting them away for good.

Isabel continues to grow and change before our very eyes. We are having so much fun with her that it makes our family time together go by all too quickly. Some things Isabel is doing at five months is sucking her thumb (obviously!), chewing on anything she can get her hands on, rolling over like it is nobody's business, pushing herself up real high with her arms and tucking her knees up just not quite at the same time (though I am sure she will have the balance thing down soon). She is still a good eater gobbling up cereal, carrots, peas, squash, sweet potatoes, bananas, apples, and peaches. She has been working really hard at sitting up...her record so far is around 7-10 seconds, but she can sit much longer if she has a toy in front of her to help with balance. She will normally lunge forward in a sitting position not roll backward.

Isabel is a little social butterfly. At daycare, Barb says she loves being downstairs gabbing with all the "big" kids not upstairs away from the action. Grabbing her toys and putting them in her mouth is her favorite pastime right now as well as smiling, giggling, and talking. She is pretty much still talking from the back of her throat, so no "ma-ma" or "da-da" sounds yet as those are mouth and tongue sounds...believe us though we are trying! :)

Isabel is overall a better sleeper now that she has to get up and doesn't like to nap too much as Barb's (you know the whole don't want to miss out on anything mentality she has). She goes to bed between 8-9pm and wakes up maybe once or twice a night and is ready to eat between 5-6:30am. Believe us, this is way better than what we were dealing with a couple weeks ago. So that is about what Isabel has been up to this last month...we can't believe 6 months is just around the corner!

Whew...that was a lot, but if you made it with us so far, here are some extra fun photos for you.

Shortly, we will celebrate the end of summer by heading up to the cabin one last time. So long summer, it's been great. Can't wait to see what the fall brings.

1 comment:

  1. My goodness, she looks so big in these pictures! Even though I see her frequently, I'm amazed at her growth as much as I think you probably do as well. Butter- since I now have a new washing machine, let me know if you need help - ha ;)
