Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Magic Age?

Isabel turned 6 months old on September 30th and so far it seems this may be the "magic" age we have been waiting for as Isabel is finally starting to sleep through the night. Last week she slept through every day, now that is a major milestone!

In addition to Isabel sleeping through the night she is also mastering sitting up on her own and is very, very close to crawling. She gets up on her hands and knees and moves her knees around, but so far she hasn't figured out how to move her knees and her hands at the same time. It will be soon though.

It seems that Isabel is also very close to getting her first tooth. All the signs point to the fact that she is teething, so we may have 2 new milestones to announce very soon!

Here are a few pictures from her 6 Month Photo Shoot:

The doctor appointment went well. Mom and Dad were not too impressed with the nurse we had this time as she could not read the growth chart and had to remeasure the head circumference and length, so there is a little controversy over her actual length (we'll give both). Anyway, Isabel is staying pretty consistent in her percentiles.

Weight: 16lbs, 13oz (70%)
Length: 1st attempt -28in (97%), 2nd attempt - 27in (90%)
Head: 16 3/4in (25%)

Doctor said keep doing what we are doing as not much changes on our part, and he will see us at 9 months.

Here are a few more pictures of Isabel and dad watching the Iowa game against Penn State. Note the sweet vintage Hawkeye shirt Isabel is sporting. The shirt was one of the many gems found at Great Grandma Lilly's store.

And one more note, our little Isabel is famous. Okay, maybe not famous but her picture is up on Twin Six's website. Twin Six is a cycling apparel company from Minneapolis. I posted a picture of Isabel in her Flyer Onesie on Twin Six's Facebook Page a couple months ago and Kati went to their website today and noticed it was there. Not sure how long it will be up, but check it out!

1 comment:

  1. Papa and I went out to the website to see our famous GrandBaby! Perhaps there are royalties involved to add to the college fun! Loved the post. Gramma Mousel
