Friday, November 5, 2010

7 Months

As the 30th of every month comes, it does not seem possible to have a baby that is another month older. However, Butter and I have said that as fast as time has gone, looking back at March 30, and those first few weeks of being parents, it seems forever ago. Isabel met another new friend last week, 2 week-old Caroline, and we could not believe that 7 months ago Isabel was that tiny...time seems to play tricks.

Isabel's seven month photo shoot did not go as smoothly as ones in the past as she did not give us too many smiles...very unlike her. There are a couple of reasons why that might be the case:

She will hate us one day for this...

The other reason Isabel may not have been too happy: she is actually teething! We have thought for three months that there were times she was, but no teeth were popping through until this past week. On November 3rd, we were sitting at our kitchen table with some financial planners. Yes, I sat there smiling and nodding trying to figure out what the heck these number nerds were discussing and entertaining Isabel when the first tooth (bottom right) was discovered. She has had a few more fingers in her mouth the last couple days than just her own checking out the little chomper.

Other seven month developments:

Isabel still isn't crawling, but that does not stop her from getting around, and getting around well. She likes to get in the crawling position, move her torso as far forward without moving her arms, turn sideways to push forward, then lay on her back and scoot head first across the floor, and then turn back over to repeat the whole process. If she only knew that crawling has to be way easier! One night last weekend, this is where she had maneuvered herself:

* Other than a couple nights, she has been sleeping very well. We will put her down between 7:30-8:30 and she will sleep about 10-12 hours getting up once around 5am for a bottle. She is still moving around her crib at night like a crazy woman...Butter and I always get a chuckle out of what position she will be in when we go to check on her. She has also been more consistent with a morning and afternoon nap.

* She has taken the sippee cup since 5 months thanks to Grandma Brenda, and Barb normally will give one of the two feedings to her with the sippee. We are trying to use it more at home as well, but just like anything else we give her, she takes it with no problem.

* Currently, we are working on hand, eye, mouth coordination. Loving the banana puffs Grandma picked up for her, we are diving into foods that are a little more solid, but that dissolve easily.

* She has started to reach for people more and more as you put your arms out. Makes you feel a little special when she reaches out for you.

* Isabel goes through phases of chattering. So not much new on verbal front as she is in a quieter phase.

* Anything and everything still goes into her mouth especially now with the teething. I have had to be extra careful with any necklaces I choose to wear.

* Barbie says she loves to grab at Arlo's (the baby boy at daycare) hair...he has quite the mo-hawk. I think since Harley lets her grab and pull his fur she thinks she can do the same to anything resembling him.

* Smiles, smiles and more smiles! Such a happy girl!

(Click picture for larger view)

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