Saturday, November 13, 2010

Snow and so much more!

Being that I have not been able to sleep much past 6:30am lately, I was up before the heavy snow began to fall, but as soon it did I could not contain my excitement. I dashed upstairs, flung open the shades in the bedroom to rouse both my darlings. Butter, of course, was not all that thrilled with either the snow nor being awoken at 7:30am. It took Isabel a little bit to figure out what all the excitement was about, but surely, my love of snow will rub off on her soon.

Today marking the first snowfall of the season, brings much happiness even though it complicates many other things...namely maneuvering outside on foot and by car. Despite this, I love snow and all that it brings. Now let me state this is not an unconditional love. The saying goes April showers, not snowstorms so be prepared for a little frustration if the snow continues into April.

I relish those firsts we get to experience as each new season changes just as I have savored each new first that Isabel has achieved. This past week was no exception...

1) On the crawling front, she is definitely moving in a crawling motion with arms and legs; however, she likes to drag one leg instead of both being in the tucked position. Each day, however, she was making such progress that I can't believe just last weekend she was still doing the back scoot as her main form of movement.

2) Isabel had her first "bad" day at daycare. When I picked her up on Thursday, Barb yelled upstairs, "Who's here?", and I answered, "Isabel's mom." Then in exhaustion Barb said, "You can have her." Oh, no! All day long, Isabel wouldn't let Barb leave her. She was very fussy and needy, but I think she had a pretty good excuse. Isabel cut her second tooth (bottom left)! Exciting, but painful. I think she started cutting it on Wednesday evening (exactly a week later from her first tooth).

3) For a few weeks now, Isabel has been getting an appetizer before her meals in the form of banana puffs. She has been working hard at trying to eat them by herself. Having no problem picking them up and getting them up near her mouth, Isabel struggled letting go to enjoy this delicious treat until this week. On Tuesday night, she was able to eat four of the five all by herself. Yay, Isabel!

Here is a video showing how Isabel "used" to get around. Outdated already and the footage is only a week old! Time flies...savor it.

Isabel 7 Months from Butter on Vimeo.


  1. Soooo cute! She's going to be walking and running around before you know it.

  2. Andy loved the John Butler Trio soundtrack. Big smiles and laughs from us as we watch from a hotel lobby in Anchorage. Isn't technology cool? Aren't babies on the go precious?

  3. Glad Andy enjoyed the John Butler. I get to see them on Tuesday at the Fitz in St Paul.

  4. Big smiles on our faces as we watched her legs kick and push herself on her back - so darling!
    Megan & Zach
