Saturday, November 20, 2010

Time Out!

So we tried to give Isabel her first time out this didn't work. I know what many of you are thinking, "Isn't she a little too young for time outs?" Well, people, we didn't give her "that" kind of time out, even though we have had to introduce the word "no" to her. In the last week, Isabel has grown up too fast for mommy and daddy's liking. So we told her she needs to take a time out, but already she has chosen not to listen.

Isabel is now a certified crawler; crawling from room to room and picking up speed each and every day. It used to be too much work to venture out of the living room...those days are long gone. She has figured out how to go from the crawling position to the sitting position when she needs a break. Oh, and yeah, she climbed her first step at Barbie's this week! Wait, what!? Our exact thoughts!

On the food front, she has graduated to "real" food, and not just the mashed kind. When we noticed that she really understood how to chew, the new foods started rolling in her mouth. She tried Apple Jacks, hot dish, mac and cheese, avocado, pasta, mashed potatoes (not her favorite), and crackers. Barb gave her 2oz of formula in a real cup, which went really well for her; however, we tried to give her some water in a real cup when we went out for dinner last night and it didn't work out all too well. Apparently, that is a skill mommy and daddy need to work on!

No new teeth, but the two bottom teeth are really in now and can be seen without wrestling her lip and tongue out of the way. She also has started to make sounds using her lips not just the back of her throat. Her first sound is not "mama" or even the more common "dada", but "papa." It is funny to watch her because she has to work so hard to make those sounds. After we say the sound she mimics it by curling her lips downward to say "pa-papa-pa." We will try to take some video or pictures...too funny!

I guess "growing up too fast" starts young and never lets up. TIME OUT!

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