Thursday, July 5, 2012

Radio Silence

Someday we will get back to updating this blog on a regular basis.  I guess I should take most of the blame on that one, since Kati has been the primary contributor as of late.

In case you blinked and missed it, our Aubrey has turned 2 months old already.  How can that possibly be?  We continue to be blessed with the most content, easy going baby in the world.  She eats, sleeps and plays like a champ.  We couldn't ask for anything better!

At her 2 month doctor's appointment, Aubrey tipped the scales at 11 lbs, 14 oz (76%), 23 3/4" long (92%) and her head is far outpacing big sister Isabel's checking in the 67 percentile.

A few of the other milestones that 2 months has brought include rolling over from tummy to back and sitting up in her bumbo chair.

And now for the pictures:

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling

What up!

I'm done now!

This new chair is killer!

Think we are sisters?

1 comment:

  1. The pictures of Isabel and Aubrey next to each other at 2 months are incredible - wow, they certainly look alike. Glad to hear Aubrey is such an easy going baby!
