Tuesday, October 9, 2012

5 Months

Our little Aubrey bird is is ever growing and changing. She simply delights us when we are least expecting it...like when we are so wrapped up in our busy schedule and we look over at her and she staring at us with her big bright smile.

Lately, we have been working on sitting up on our own. Some days she can sit and balance herself like she has been doing it forever and other days she wibbles and wobbles and flops right over. I guess we need to do a little more rigorous strength training routine!

Since she is rolling over in all directions, we have known we needed to stop swaddling her at night. Tough transition! Removing the swaddle did not work in the crib, so right now Aubrey is back in the cradle without the swaddle and doing better. Soon we will move her back to the crib without the swaddle and hope it goes a little smoother.

Of course we have an abundance of toys for Aubrey to play with, but just as many parents find out the best toys are not toys at all. Aubrey's favorite "toy" right now is her pacifier. She chews on it, gets her thumb stuck in it, sucks on it the opposite direction, and soon enough will find it the right way. She also loves sitting in the excersaucer if mama or dada are in the room. Yep, she does not like it if we leave her in the room alone, if she notices. Sometimes she is just too busy playing.

Aubrey has loved the transition to spoon food. Just like Isabel, Aubrey was so interested in what we were putting in our mouths that when it came time for her chance she literally gobbled it up. Right now, Aubrey eats three meals and four 6oz bottles in a day. It has been really nice as she no longer takes a bottle at home before Barbie's because most mornings she would futz around and not finish her bottle...she just wasn't waking up hungry. Being on a "big girl" eating schedule has been super nice for home and daycare. Foods she is eating are: rice cereal, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, green beans, peas, corn, bananas, apples, and peaches.

Aubrey is talking in spurts, which is very similar to Isabel. She will be super chatty for a while then won't say much for quite sometime. She mostly makes squawking type sounds and will get really loud. And of course, she felt like her voice needed to be heard loud and clear during the homily at Aidan's Baptism Mass...maybe it had something to do with nature of the sermon. Since our blog is not a political forum, we will just gloss over that one.  

Lastly, Aubrey loves Isabel and Isabel loves Aubrey. It is the sweetest of sweet exchanges to watch them smile, giggle, talk, and just generally interact with each other! Love, love, love.


  1. Love all the updates and pictures! 5 months already?!! Both your girls are so beautiful - you too Kati!

  2. So cute that the sisters are getting along so well...enjoy it while it lasts. ;)
