Sunday, March 13, 2011

11 Months

So we have a little catching up to do. The Mousel household has had a very busy month or so and that includes Isabel. Eleven months came upon us very quickly even though (or I guess we could say because) we had no "official" day to mark the milestone.

Isabel seems to be a sponge right now...soaking up everything we do with her and trying things out on her own. She finally says mama on a regular basis instead of just when she is upset or crying. Becoming more and more verbal, Isabel loves to say papa, dada, mama, and ba-ba. We are working on associating sounds with certain people and things. We are starting to hear "uh-oh" or just "uh" when she drops things. Isabel loves to growl, but I am not sure who/what is associated with that! Oh, and she has seemed to have found her tongue as she is making buzzing noises producing a lot of saliva.

Physically, she's trying all sorts of things. When we clap for her, she loves to clap, too. When daddy dropped her off at daycare a couple weeks ago, she even waved bye-bye to him. Since then she has been waving here and there and everywhere (sometimes not at the actual bye-bye time, though). Isabel loves to pull herself up on anything and walk along whatever she has pulled herself up on especially the couches, ottoman and the fireplace hearth at Barbie's. If she is not going to walk along the furniture, Isabel loves to turn around and lean against looking out at everybody...she thought she was pretty hot stuff when she first started doing that one. She has great control bending over or reaching down to pick up stuff from the standing position. Recently, she has been getting more and more daring as she is starting to let go and balance on her own. I would say she can balance for about 5 seconds when she lets go of something on her own. Walking is just around the corner!

Isabel is still a great eater; a true sign of her not feeling well, however, is her lack of appetite. After the pneumonia, it seemed like Isabel picked up a bug that lasted in her system a little longer than we had hoped. She ran a fever for three days so daddy, papa, and mama took turns being home with her. It took over a week to finally rid the virus of Isabel's system, but she is back now! Isabel is eating like herself again, taking one long nap (and maybe a cat nap here or there), playing like a mad woman (by herself and with others), and smiling and laughing all the time.

When playing, she is starting to show more mature interactions with toys like her dolly: feeding, hugs, and kisses. She loves to give hugs and "kisses" to mama and daddy, too. Open-mouthed, saliva, and teeth kisses on our cheeks, but we will take them!

When I mention Isabel is a great eater, I mean it, and to the point where we have to be watching what she is putting in her mouth at all times. Her pinchers (thumb and pointer finger) are always looking to pick things up. What does she do when she picks it up? It goes into her mouth, of course (as does everything!). We have been bitten quite a many times fishing out whatever goody has found its way into her mouth. No new teeth have come in for awhile, she still only has six, but knows how to use those six very well! I almost forgot...we gave her a spoon recently and she loved using it! It shouldn't come as a surprise, though, as the girl loves to feed herself. Often when we give her something straight into her mouth, she pulls it out looks at it then either smashes it or puts it back in.

Busy little Isabel!

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