Saturday, April 16, 2011

Belated Birthday Recap- MN Edition

Isabel's birthday came and went in a blur...much like the first year. Somehow her birthday was already 17 days ago and we are just getting around to recapping it. The day of her birthday was a lot of fun.

No matter how little sleep Isabel gets she is always full of smiles in the morning. That may be the only thing that got us through the first 6 months... Like usual, she was ready to play right away in the morning. Luckily for Isabel mom had the day off from work, so there was plenty of time for playtime and a special breakfast of french toast and berries.

(Note the climbing progression Isabel went through in the window picture: step stool->toy->ottoman, all done unassisted. We have a climber on our hands!)

Isabel had lots of people to help celebrate her birthday. Grandma and Papa Hoen, Uncle James and cousins Maddie and Ava, Auntie Kassi and Uncle Josh along with new cousin Ethan, Auntie Kerri and cousins Josie and Birthday Buddie Elias, Auntie Kortney and guard dog Harley and Auntie Amy where all there to celebrate.

After all the presents were opened it was time for the main event. Cake!

And then it was done. Isabel's first birthday was a lot of fun and we can't wait for the excitement that year 2 brings!

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