Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Here, There, Everywhere

Last week was a crazy week to say the least at the Mousel house. Well, I guess it is hard to say "at the house" since we were hardly home and hardly together. I left for DC on Sunday morning and got back late on Tuesday night. Isabel went to the cabin on Monday morning then I joined her Wednesday through Sunday. All the while, Butter held down the home front until Friday when he left for the MS150 Bike Ride from Duluth to Minneapolis. We all came back together on Sunday afternoon ready for some down time together and relaxing at home.

Last Sunday, I went to Washington DC for three days with our 8th graders as I have done every year for the last 6 years (minus last year as I was quite busy). I absolutely love the trip and this year was no different. We had a fantastic group and no major issues just our crazy sight-seeing schedule. It always amazes me the different dynamics of the groups we bring every year, but they are always complimented for their respectful and mature behavior. Both a flight attendant and our bus driver/tour guide commented that our group was one of the best groups they have seen. When I tell people I teach middle school, I always get the question, "How do you do that? I could never work with that age." My response is always, "We have really great kids."

Back to the trip...the trip is very similar year after year, but we do change things up from year to year. I went to four new places this year that I haven't in the previous six times I have been to DC: Crime and Punishment Museum (lots of reading, but interesting...not for a weak stomach), Air Force Memorial (highly recommend seeing as it overlooks DC from a hill by the Pentagon), Newseum (super cool, we did not have nearly enough time to do that place justice), and Camden Yards (the ball field where the Baltimore Oriels play...6 major league ball fields down, many more to go). Here are a few photos from my camera phone:

Luckily, I missed the heat here and there. Isabel was fortunate to beat the heat at the cabin with Grandma, Papa, Auntie Kassi, and Ethan. Later in the week, I joined in the fun along with Josh, James, Suz, Maddie, and Ava. By the time the rest of us got there the weather was hit or miss, but lots of hanging out outside and fishing was enjoyed as well as a little swimming fun.

Isabel caught her first fish (wanted to touch and play with the fishy), went on her first boat ride (she hates the life jacket), and got her feet wet in the lake. As always, she is quite the busy body; she loved playing in the muddy rock garden or walking on the dock.

In this past week, a light has seemed to go on for Isabel. She has started to use her sign for please, will take your hand to lead you to what she wants, sounds are starting to sound more and more like words, and you can ask her go get something (like a shoe or toy or sippee) and she will go get it. It is pretty cool to actually feel like we are communicating. On the teeth front, she popped her bottom right molar. Teething stinks, by the way! So 11 teeth total with the bottom left molar just under the surface. From what I hear, the worst of 'em have not even started...the dreaded eye teeth!

So that's it for now...Butter will be coming shortly for his recap of another successful MS150.

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