Sunday, August 28, 2011

Belated, Statute of Limitations?

You can safely use the term belated for up to 2 and half months when offering somebody a Happy Birthday or a Thank You, right? Good, I am glad you agree because I owe a huge belated thank you to a lot of people that helped me raise over $1,600 for this years MS150.

You remember the MS150 right? That little bike ride that I did back in June from Duluth to White Bear Lake all in the name of raising funds for the MN Chapter of Multiple Sclerosis. This years ride was probably the best yet. We had picture perfect weather with minimal winds and temperatures in the mid 70's. This year I actually had legs to complete the ride with relative comfort. At the end of each day I felt like I could continue rather than collapse into a heap on the ground.

I have said it before and I will say it again. MS bike rides are the best supported organized rides I have ever been a part of. From the volunteers to the on-ride sag support to the mechanical support offered by bike shops at the rest stops. The MS Society goes above and beyond to make sure every rider is taken care of. If they do this much for bike riders you can guess how much they do for people that suffer from MS. The $1,600+ you helped me raise is going to a great organization and those donations are bringing us one day closer to a cure. So, once again a huge thank you to everyone that donated! It means a lot to me.

Until next year, keep the rubber side down! (I am still trying to figure out how to do that on a regular basis...)

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