Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Muking Around

It is that time of year again when I inevitably start to dread the start of winter.  Despite the wonderfully awesome fall we are having I know that snow and cold are just around the corner.  I don't dread winter quite as much as I use to and I even find myself looking forward to the first snowfall, ice fishing and just the general change of season, but come January I am longing for winter to be over.  I haven't truely looked forward to the start of winter since I moved back from Colorado.

That is until now!  My unbelievably awesome wife gave me the greatest anniversary/birthday/I owe her big time gift in the world!

You are looking at the Salsa Mukluk 3.  It is what is considered a "fat bike" designed for snow, sand, rocks, roots or whatever else you couldn't imagine riding a regular bike in or on.  What makes it a fat bike?  The 3.8" tires, that is what.  The tires can be run at extremely low pressure, like 10 psi low.  Considering I run my mtn bike at 32 psi and my Cross Check at 90 psi, that is ridiculously low.  That low pressure allows the bike to "float" on top of terrain that other bikes would be bogged down in.  So yeah, I am slightly excited to test out the Mukluk in some snow.

Here are a few more pictures of all its fatty goodness.

Bikes are a wonderful invention!

1 comment:

  1. That's great! Now train up and join the crazy, extreme snow bikers of Alaska! We'll cheer you on along the Iditarod trail :)
