Sunday, October 30, 2011

A Visit to the Apple Orchard

With the beautiful fall weather, it was inevitable to get out enjoy what mother nature was offering. So last weekend over Fall Break (or MEA), Isabel made her first trip to the apple orchard with Ava, Maddie, Kortney, Mama, and two kids that Kortney baby-sits, Forest and Renee. The orchard we went to was Minnesota Harvest down in Jordan. It was a lot different than I remember as they are trying to revitalize it from the brink of bankruptcy. They still produce some awesome tasting apples so I hope they are able to truly bring it back to life.

Other than apple picking, the orchard offered a petting zoo, pile of hay, pony rides, and a corn maze. The highlight was definitely the hayride out to the orchard and the picking itself. Isabel loved the apples; it might have become her favorite fruit as she ate two of them while we were out picking!

Over the weekend we not only got to the apple orchard, but also to Peter's Pumpkins to pick out our pumpkins and to Valleyscare...more pics to share on those adventures later. With all that fun, both Isabel and I woke up Monday a little sick. Not too bad, but just enough congestion, running noses, and coughing to make for a tough week. We are both almost fully mended and ready for Halloween fun!

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