Saturday, December 17, 2011

A House Full of Yuck!

**Note: This post is NOT for the weak...stomach, I mean. And I am sure many will think TMI while reading, but feel free to stop at any point.**

The past week has been a first for the Mousel family...a stomach bug made its way through all three of us. The bug originated at daycare then spread wide and far. On Tuesday, my mom picked up Isabel from Barb's to the news that she had thrown up in her crib while napping so the plan was for her to stay home on Wednesday. What we found out later was that Barb ended up not having any kids on Wednesday because all the kids were struck with this bug. Ha! We laughed as Isabel, other than vomiting just that once and a few extra dirty diapers, was her usual chipper, crazy self...this thing isn't that bad, we thought! Needless to say, we were wrong, very wrong!

On the way home from picking up our Christmas cards on Thursday, I had to pull over on 169 to vomit and had quite the mess on my least Isabel seemed to enjoy it as I would hear little giggles in between heaves. Mom (who was fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, was with) called Butter to have him ready to come out and help when I arrived home. I don't think he was quite prepared for the mess I had made. I continued to violently vomit 4 more times throughout the night. I kept thinking what is that baby thinking in there? Friday was a day free from vomit, but not recovery. I nibbled on saltines and took down as much Gatorade as possible, but my body was sore, achy, and nice headache would come and go throughout the day. A hot shower/bath and nap definitely helped, but I was still not feeling good.

Butter and Isabel planned to head down to Iowa for the Roder family Christmas without me until, low and behold, it hit Butter. Mind you, in the time I have known Butter, he has never gotten sick (well, other than self-induced illness), so this was huge! He didn't vomit or have diarrhea, but instead came down with a fever, achiness, and the chills. For lack of a better description, Butter is very warm-blooded, very, very warm-blooded. So when he said he was cold, I knew something was not right. He had turned on the heat pump in our room, was wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpants, and had the covers (down comforter and all) pulled up almost over his head when he went to bed. I, on the other hand, was wearing a t-shirt and had to kick the covers off...this is the complete opposite of how we normally go to sleep.

Today was a day of recovery and exhaustion...many naps and attempts at food and drink. Neither Butter nor I have felt particularly great yet today, but at least on the mend. Unfortunately, instead of having a crazy day playing with Roder cousins, Isabel was stuck with her sick parents. Tomorrow, I hope, will be a day of disinfecting cleaning to get rid of this nasty bug.

Oh, and I said earlier that this bug spread far and wide...not only did Butter, Isabel, all the daycare kids and I come down with it, but also Ethan, my dad, Kortney, and Kassi. So far...

**As I was writing this, Butter asked if this was our 20-week post...sorry, I have not looked any too presentable for a 20-week photo so that post will have to wait a little longer.**

1 comment:

  1. Isabel: Kati, Butter, Dad, Kortney, Harley, Char, Ethan, Kassi, Josh (as of today 12/19)... Yep Isabel has passed her bug onto 9 people!! Good thing she is cute!
