Saturday, January 21, 2012

24 Weeks, Baby 2

As 25.5 weeks are here, I thought now would be a good time to post about 24 weeks. Ha! When I look back on the last week and a half, I guess this is really the first time that I have had time or not completely exhausted to put together a post. A persons day is cut very short when they go to bed shortly after putting their child to bed!

So 24 doctors appointment went well and everything is looking great. The baby's heart rate was averaging at 148bpm and my fundal measurement was at 26in., which means I am measuring two weeks ahead of schedule.  I am already playing the comparison game between my children (that is crazy to say, by the way!), but Isabel measured right on time and little below average at 20 weeks so a little worry is starting to creep in as Baby 2 is measuring ahead and was a little bigger than average at 20 weeks. I really wouldn't mind this baby coming early, but could be interesting if I go all the way to 40 weeks or beyond! We will just have to wait and see...

Pregnancy the second time around has been, for lack of better description, more intense than the first time. All the beautiful "side effects" that come along with pregnancy just have seemed greater. Maybe it is payback for me often forgetting that I am pregnant, not due to my size, but just so busy with everything else (particularly a wonderful 22 month old who is in full "terrible twos" mode!) that I don't have the time to just sit and think about what is to come. Right now, my hips and back are almost unbearable. Well, truth be told the worst was over Christmas break and the week back to school. To try and self-remedy that I have had to stop picking up Isabel as often and stop dancing at dance team practice. However, it doesn't help slipping down five stairs while carrying Isabel...yes, instead of falling outside in the winter on the fresh snow we received yesterday, I go down inside on the steps and land on the kitchen floor. The right side of my body is not liking me right now!

Believe it or not, in a week and half we will be in the third trimester already! We have a few projects on our to-do list, but the big one that has slowly started to take shape is Isabel's new room. Off to look at paint today...

1 comment:

  1. Let me know when you choose a color so I can get started on that quilt for Isabel!
