Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Week in Review

What a fabulous week we have had here at the Mousel Household!

On Sunday, Kortney brought Josie, Elias, Maddie, and Ava to a hotel for a night of swimming, pizza, games, movies, and some sleep as their Christmas present. She was kind enough to invite Isabel for swimming and pizza...Nene actually invited her for the whole night, but we decided that staying over would be a little much for all involved.

Fun in the kiddie pool!

As you can see, Isabel was a little hesitant at first to go down the big slide, but by the end told Nene that she could go down by herself...Mama and Dada said absolutely not! She is definitely an independent little girl. Love!
Isabel, Ava, Maddie, Elias, and Josie
(Ethan was on vacation in Arizona so he couldn't make the fun)

On Monday, we had the joyous privilege of welcoming a new Hoen into the family. Welcome to the world, Caleb Cyril Hoen! After a long labor and delivery, he was born at 8:38pm weighing in at 9 pounds, 1 ounce and measuring 21 inches long! Caleb is not only a big little guy, but also a tough one, too...his mom is definitely pretty tough as well. ;)
Congratulations James, Suz, Maddie and Ava!
On Tuesday, the SACS Dance Team performed at Holy Family Catholic High School, which was only the second performance of the year. We are 64 girls strong and comprised of 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Click on the link to check them out: SACS Dance Team at Holy Family 2012

On Wednesday, I was able to celebrate my birthday. Believe it or not, I am 32 now; however, if you ask my Aunt Char she will tell you I am 28...seriously! I guess time continues to fly as you get older. After starting my day opening presents from Butter (a Shane Co envelop and a box of donuts), walking in to my classroom with birthday signs from my students, receiving a beautiful bouquet of flowers at school from Isabel and finally getting home after dance team practice, Butter, Isabel, Mom, Dad, Kortney and I ran down to Turtle's for dinner and my free Turtle Sundae...yummy!

"Brighten My Day" flowers from Isabel and signs from my homeroom kids!

On Thursday, my parents had everyone over for my birthday, but I think most people came just to see and hold baby Caleb! Okay maybe I did too! Mom made delicious strawberry/blueberry salad, lasagna, adn f course garlic bread, and for dessert we had chocolate cake Butter had picked up and coconut cream pie my friend from work made for me. Yes, I did eat a slice of usual, this pregnant lady is all about the sweets. No disappointed looks from the doctor about weight gain on my next visit!

Caleb Cyril Hoen @ 3days old with Auntie Kati
 On Friday, Butter, Isabel, and I were able to have a quiet night at home and catch up on some of the much needed sleep we had been missing the rest of the week. Butter did pick up food for dinner from Zuppa's, one of my favorite places in town.

On Saturday, Isabel and I went to watch Maddie's basketball game in Chanhassen with Nana and Papa. Isabel loved cheering and, of course, eating Skittles that Ava was sharing with her. I ran a few more errands (looking for fabric and picked out paint for Isabel's room...PINK!) then Butter ran up to Shane Co to pick up my beautiful new all I have to do decide which finger to wear it on and get it sized. Butter and I were then on to birthday dinner #3. Isabel slept over at Nana and Papa's so we had planned to do dinner and movie, but the restaurant was 15-20 minutes behind their reservations (really it turned more into 30 minutes) so we missed the movie. We did get a free appetizer, though, so I was content.

Whew...we don't have many weeks where we are not busy, but this one seemed extra crazy! it didn't help that is was the end of the quarter for me so it is just happened to be an extra busy time at work as well. After a week like this, though, there is only one word to describe life and that is BLESSED! (Okay, and maybe exhausted!)

1 comment:

  1. Your week definitely made me exhausted just reading about it. I especially liked reading about all the food highlights! Love the pictures of Isabel on the waterslide.
