Sunday, February 12, 2012

28 Weeks, Baby 2

The third trimester is off and running! For the most part, I am feeling pretty good and baby is great. Lots and lots of movement...kicks, jabs, hiccups, and somersaults are how Baby Mousel seems to be staying busy these days. I am thinking less of the somersaults in the days and weeks ahead and plenty more of the jabs and kicks are in my future. The baby seems to have settled in a position like Isabel was as within the last two weeks I have started to experience numbness on the left side "ridge," which I had most of my pregnancy with Isabel.

Something new to this pregnancy, that started two weeks ago when I was out to dinner with friends, is shortness of breath when stationary. Going up stairs, walking around the school building, and coaching dance always brought it on with the first pregnancy, but this time I can just be sitting and actually relaxing (another thing that I have had to do this pregnancy much more than the last) when I will have to catch my breath. Normally this happens at night and can range from 10 minutes to 4 hours...irritating, but completely normal.

My doctor's visit went smooth as usual. I had my glucose/diabetes test and have not heard anything back so I am assuming all levels are normal...thank goodness! Not that I was worried, but if I had to drink three more cups of that liquid in one day, I definitely would have a hard time keeping it down. I didn't think it was as bad as I tastes like a more concentrated version of McDonald's orange drink...but to take it down in five minutes is the tricky part. They also re-checked my iron levels, which are checked at the first pre-natal appointment then again at this visit when they draw blood anyway for the glucose test.

Onto the stats: Baby's heartrate has been consistently hovering at that 140bpm and nothing different at this appointment. Fundal measurement is from the top to the bottom of the uterus and should match inches to weeks. My fundal measurement is at 30in, which means I am still measuring two weeks ahead...big baby? earlier arrival? or extra padding? I guess we will wait and see.

One more monthly appointment, then we start going in for the two week appointments. Crazy!

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