Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Lifetime of Catching Up...

Oh my goodness, where does the time go?! Aubrey is already 7 weeks old! It does not seem like yesterday we were in the hospital, but it is hard to believe how big she already is and how much she has changed our family. I have a lifetime of catching up to do...

Aubrey is a fabulous eater and sleeper. Almost instantly she was on a pretty predicable schedule of eat, play, sleep then repeat three hours later. She has slept through the night basically since the day we brought her home. Granted we have had a few nights when she wanted to eat every three hours or her tummy was bothering her, but no absolutely sleepness nights have happened, yet. Laid back and very much unlike her older sister, Aubrey rarely cries and when she does cry it is for one of four reasons: she is hungry, has a dirty pants, tired, or just wants to be picked up and cuddled. Crying is not Aubrey's only form of communication, though. She is a grunter. I never thought some grunting throughout the night would keep me up or wake me up, but her little grunts can do it.

Just like Isabel, Aubrey loves to smile especially in the morning. Smiles and giggles from my children have to be one my greatest joys as a parent. No matter how tired, exhausted, or frustrated I may be a smile and giggle can turn my mood or melt my heart...which is fabulous unless you are trying to discipline a certain two year old who refuses to listen and do what has been asked!

Aubrey definitely knows voices and has started to react to familiar sounds whether that is looking or smiling or scowling. She definitely favors looking to her left so I have been trying to turn her head when she is lying on her back...don't want a flat head baby! Speaking of flat head, I have to continue to build more and more tummy time in to our day; on the whole she does not mind being on her tummy and it is fun to watch her look up and try to roll over. She is getting stronger every day by holding her head up when she is on her tummy or being held, and she scoots with her legs if she is on her tummy on a smooth surface. Another little fun change: I am even starting to hear some quiet, little coos come from her every so often. Just today my mom stopped by and she asked Aubrey if she was going to talk to her then sure enough out came some coos...baby talk is so precious! 

Aubrey has been very busy in her first 7 weeks of life. Here are some highlights:

At 11 days, Aubrey had her first wellness check. I might have bit off more than I could chew on that day as I scheduled both Aubrey's newborn and Isabel's two year check at the same time. Almost an hour and half later, we emerged out of the exam room...luckily my mom was able to rearrange her schedule to come help out.
Aubrey's Stats:
Weight: 8lbs, 1oz (47%)
Length: 21in (80%)
Head: 14 1/4in (61%)

At two weeks, Aubrey made her first trip to the cabin. It was one of the ickiest weekends up there as far as I can remember so we hung out inside most of the time. She traveled up and back fabulously so hopefully that travel demeanor lasts.

At three weeks, Aubrey was Baptized at St. Mary's Catholic Church after the 5:15pm Mass with Fr. Wittman presiding. Aubrey slept throughout the entire Mass, but when it came to the actual baptism she woke up and cried through most of it. It was very nice, though, as everyone was able to get close. Father invited everyone around so they did not just stand in the pews. Just like birthday parties, it was an exhausting day as everyone came over for dinner before mass and then again after for cake. But what a wonderful day it was to celebrate Aubrey's welcome into God's family.

At one month, we had her monthly photo shoot. However, we timed it horribly as the pictures below will show. She was was ready for her last feeding of the day so not just hungry, but tired too. Such an amateur parenting move on our part...we will try to do better!

At five weeks, Aubrey went on her first boat cruise. Our friends, Theresa and Scott, along with Theresa's parents hosted a fabulous gathering of our college friends on their boat. We cruised the St. Crouix all day and had an awesome time with amazing people. Aubrey loved being on the water and hardly made a peep...thanks to Theresa's mom for keeping Aubrey company so Butter and I could visit with our friends!

At seven weeks, Aubrey made her first trip down to Iowa to see where her daddy grew up. It is a little longer drive than up to the cabin, but Aubrey again traveled like a champ. I did have to pull out the bottle about 20 minutes out from Nana and Papa Mousel's as she was getting hungry, but it worked perfectly to feed her in the car seat then burp her when we got there. Aubrey got to meet Great Grandma and Grandpa Roder, Nana and Papa's friends, Jerry and Linda, and Uncle Tag and Aunt Joanie during her trip. Aubrey was her laid back self the whole trip and slept incredibly well as she enjoyed her time in Iowa.

Aubrey has also made a few trips to mommy's school (the first at 9 days old for Maddie's birthday Mass), and then to her first birthday party, which was Maddie's 10th birthday. She has been to Turtle's for lunch and dinner (a few times), many trips to Target and Sam's Club, visited Nana at her school twice, had two play dates with Simon, went on a walk with cousin Jojo, met Barbie (on the way home from the hospital) and many of the kids at daycare, and has received so many hugs and kisses from everyone (especially Isabel and cousin Ethan).

Aubrey has been very busy and she doesn't seem to be ready to slow down any time soon as the next trip to the cabin is this week and then we have to hit up Valleyfair soon...ah, summer is here and Aubrey is ready!!


  1. Love the update! Aubrey's social calendar is impressive!

  2. Woah, she has done a lot in 7 weeks....and she is sleeping through the night?! What a lady - can't wait to meet her!
