Tuesday, August 7, 2012

3 Months (okay, maybe not exactly)

As Aubrey continues to grow and thrive, so does the time time fly by. July has come and gone and before we know it we will all be back into the swing of life as a two parent working household. Not sure what the "swing" will be like, but I am sure busy will be an understatement.

At three months, Aubrey loves to smile and had been working on her voice more and more. Love it! She loves to stand and has made the transition into her walker. Acting like a little big shot, she scoots around the kitchen with huge smiles. Looking to her left is still her preferred direction and you could really start to tell from her head, so she has been spending more time on her tummy and the walked, which has seemed to help. It is a little difficult to keep her on her tummy fro too long, though, as Aubrey loves to grab at things hanging in front of her. For the most part, she is a good traveler, but gets pretty impatient if it is time to eat and we are in the car or when she has to wait for her sister to get settled into her seat.

We weighed her around her 3 months and she was 14lbs, 4oz. She has definitely filled out and enjoys eating. Aubrey got a little change to her diet as mama struggled with some breastfeeding issues so she as been bottle-feeding for a few weeks with mostly breast milk and topped off with formula. It was definitely a harder transition for mama to make than Aubrey. As it often goes with strictly pumping, my milk supply has dipped so by the time I go back to work, Aubrey more than likely be on formula full time.

Overnight sleeping is awesome! Aubrey will go down anytime between 8-9:30pm and wake once between 4-5am which I just need to prompt her back to sleep then she will sleep until 7:30-8:30am...or until big sister decides to get her up! Napping is getting longer and longer, but for the most part she is still a cat napper. I need to be more routine with where she naps and then she should start napping a little longer.

Last week, Aubrey spent her first days at Barbie's, much to Isabel's chagrin. When I told Isabel Aubrey was going to daycare with her, I promptly got, "No, my Barbie, mom. My Barbie." Oh Isabel! She has been really been giving us a run for our money lately. Life as a toddler, I guess, can be pretty dramatic. Or maybe it is just a big sister thing.

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