Monday, October 12, 2009

I Am Definitely Pregnant!

One of the things that I have noticed about my pregnancy experience so far is that I am constantly waiting to "feel pregnant". Other than losing my appetite around dinner time and feeling quite tired, I hadn't come upon that moment yet.

On Saturday some things definitely changed. Butter and I got up, grabbed a quick breakfast and ran up to REI. We were also going to stop at USA Baby, but instead of looking up directions I decided I knew where it was, even though I had never been there or seen it. Needless to say, we did not make it to the baby store, but Butter did get another birthday gift for himself at REI (I'll let him share more on his birthday later this week...when his birthday actually gets here!).

Back on topic, on the drive home I could hardly keep my eyes open and no, I was not driving. When we got home, I went right to the couch and took an hour nap followed by three more naps! I could not for the life of me get off the couch. I know I am not always the most motivated person, but I am talking complete and utter exhaustion.

Butter, on the other hand, was full steam ahead; he organized the den, attended to some financial stuff (however, I am pretty sure he did not consider that number nerd), and moved the day-bed down from the would be nursery to the den. All of his work made me feel pretty guilty and I started crying, which was the first crying episode of a few over the last couple of days...mood swings anyone?!

Monday mornings are always a little difficult, and not to mention when it is October 12th and snowing! So when I went to get dressed and tried on five different pairs of pants to no avail, I was definitely feeling pregnant. I have not fit into many of my pants for a while now, but this was not like before. I can hardly zip up my pants half way! I guess I will be heading out this weekend to invest in some maternity pants. A little earlier than planned, but I would rather feel comfortable than frustrated.

According to my due date, Wednesday marks my official entrance into the second trimester, and I am sure many more "feeling pregnancy" moments are to come.


  1. say it isn't so...i cannot be pregnant, so have decided that being pregnant and learning a new job share common symptoms. I am exhausted (maybe that is just being 50), have mood swings (just ask dad or Linda) and cannot fit into my pants either. Hang in there...i am confident that both of us will overcome the side effects and reap the benefit in the end. Love your mom-in-law

  2. Mood swings!?!? Welcome to my world :) Love you sister- it's all worth it and you will forget it all. You should however enjoy the excuse of being being pregnant as the reason for the mood swings- I wish I had an exuse- haha. I'll be on the look out (as I already have been) for maternity clothes for you.

  3. OOOOooh maternity clothes! I can't tell you how many times I've been in a Target and grabbed a shirt or something only to realize I was in the maternity section. Have fun shopping - if you can keep your eyes open. If not, maybe Butter can go for you? He has great taste in bikes and beer, so I'm sure it also translates to clothes.

  4. Kati, you were the napping queen in college - I can't believe you have beat the Chubby's record. Glad to hear all is well...and that Butter is working hard and getting stuff done. Miss you! Megan
