Monday, October 19, 2009

Decade #3

Last Thursday marked the 30th anniversary of my arrival on planet Earth. I have heard that some people dread that day, but I had no apprehensions about it. Kati helped to ensure that it would be a great birthday weekend...that's right, I think turning 30 calls for 4 days of fun! So on to the highlights.

* Half day of work
* Dinner at Stella's Fish Cafe with Kati and her family
* Coconut Cream Pie courtesy of one of Kati's co-workers. (Thanks Julie!)
* 2 great seats to the upcoming 311 concert at Mystic Lake (Thanks again Paul, Kerri, Kassi, Josh, Kortney and of course Harley!)
* An inflatable life vest courtesy of Arlen & Brenda
* My parents contributed to Butter's Bike Fund. They insisted that the money could not be used for anything else!
* Some brand new Hawkeye gear from Kati
* SURLY!!!

* And even a gift for our little Baby "Moose'l" I think they would fit me though too...

* Friday was an off day for me and I assumed it would be spent lounging around the house. However, Kati had another surprise in store for me. She had booked us massages at the Sanctuary in Eden Prairie. It was the first professional massage I have had and it was fantastic.
* Have I mentioned my Cross Check yet?

I managed to squeeze in 20 miles after the massage and before the October monsoon continued.

* The fun had to be earned on Saturday. We helped Brenda & Arlen lay a new paver driveway. I guess we owed them a few labor hours after they helped us with our paver patio a couple years ago.
* Hawkeyes win!
* SJU continues to dominate St Thomas!
* Dinner at James and Suz's. And for the record Stella's has nothing on James' cooking. His blackened halibut is unbelievably good.
* Following dinner, James, Suz, Matt and I went to the Ghostland Observatory show at the Cabooze and it will go down as one of the best shows I have ever seen. Wow!

* Payback time for all the fun. HUNGOVER!
* I managed to get off the couch just long enough to take out the air conditioners and to make some Chicken Tortilla Soup. Other than that, I was useless.

And with that my birthday weekend was officially over. Thanks to everyone that made it a great 4 days. 30 is nothing to be scared of!

P.S. The best part about turning 30 is Baby Mufasa is just about 15 weeks along! Oh, and the Cross Check!


  1. I love the moose sleeper picture. Soooo funny!

  2. Happy Birthday, Butter! Glad it was a great weekend!
