Saturday, October 31, 2009

Week 16

Wednesday marks the day that starts a new week in this journey called pregnancy. On the whole I have enjoyed the experience thus far, but I am constantly learning new things and adjusting to the surprises my body likes to spring on me. I guess I should consider myself lucky since I love surprises. And according to my graduate program, as a teacher, I am an "adaptive expert" so I am adapting to my new body, emotions, and energy levels.

I feel like I am definitely showing, but have not "popped" yet. Many people around work already know, but I am still getting people congratulating me saying they just found out. I am obviously not bursting so sometimes it is still a feeling of being fat, but that is changing more and more each day. The pictures below are from Wednesday, October 28:

With week 16 comes our check-up with the doctor. Everything is pretty quick, easy and painless with this check-up, but I guess it is never too early for children to put a little fear into mommy and daddy. For the second appointment in a row, we were unable to find/hear the heartbeat. For a couple minutes in the exam room I became very worried. My instincts were telling me there are was nothing to be concerned about, but emotions tend to take over during pregnancy (have I mentioned that before??).

On the bright side we got to see little Mufasa again and everything is just fine. So Mufasa is really good at hide-n-seek, is stubborn, or likes to put on shows for mom and dad...I have no idea where that last one might come from!! Junior, as the doctor likes to refer to Mufasa (we have not clued her in yet), was lying face up and moving around quite a bit. I was actually able to feel movement when Mufasa made a big jump! At this point it is easier to feel the movement when I can see it because otherwise I might not know what it is. The doctor said in the next couple weeks I could be feeling more and more movement.

Because we were the last appointment of the day we got to go use the "good" machine and get a few more pictures of Mufasa. We do not have a scanner so these are pictures of the ultrasound pictures. They are not the best, but you can see how little Mufasa has grown.

The head is on the person the second picture is the better of the two, but here the first seems like you can get a better feel. If you look very closely in the upper right hand of the second picture you can see Mufasa's little hand waving. I might have to try to post them again with better quality. I can't believe taking pictures of pictures doesn't work very well!!

Our next appointment is the "big" ultrasound the day after Thanksgiving. I honestly can't believe 20 weeks is just around the corner!


  1. You look great, Kati! How fun to get another view of little Mufasa! I think it keeps ducking the doppler because it craves the camera :)

    Love the Halloween shirt, too! So cute!

  2. Love the pictures! Mufasa sounds like quite the character already - dancing around and showing off, sounds like a Hoen/Mousel to me!! :)
