Monday, November 16, 2009

18 Going On 19

Being in the second trimester, ending my 18th week and going into my 19th week, there has been many changes happening. My tummy, which previously was a little more flubby than a cute little ball, has started to grow more rapidly and rounding out. I am amazed at how I can feel my belly growing everyday. There is definitely more soreness around my belly, and in my back and hips. I know I have a long way to go yet with the potential of a lot more uncomfortableness (is that a word?!), but right now all this soreness is overshadowed with anticipation and excitement.

Week 17:

Week 18:

I considered myself very lucky to have felt as good as I did during my first trimester, but I am now realizing that it is definitely nicer to be in the second trimester. I have noticed my energy level is up; however, when I am exhausted there is still nothing I can do to get myself off the couch. I am eating dinner, and I mean eating actual dinner foods, not just breakfast foods at dinner time (even though I am never opposed to a bowl of cereal or toast for dinner). And I have a new regime to attack the headaches I had been getting daily which seems to be working...yay!

I feel like I have entered the nesting stage...just ask Butter, his honey-do list gets longer each day. Him telling me that all the things on the list sound like "good winter projects" is not sitting well...just wait until winter actually comes! Anyway, we bought a crib a few weeks ago, then the following weekend we went down to Kerri's to pick up a dresser for the nursery that we used when we were growing up. I really like the two pieces and they seem to compliment each other really well.

With two big pieces out of the way, Butter and I started looking at the softer items for the nursery. We were not impressed with any of the bedding sets, which was a little frustrating. Luckily, we have mothers who are gracious enough to help us make some of those items. My mom tried to teach me how to make receiving blankets, but really I am not the sharpest needle in the sewing machine (okay I am blaming that line on the pregnancy). So I helped with one and mom finished the other two.

Receiving Blankets:

My mom had also found some fabric that I love for a quilt and valance for the nursery. Butter's mom makes beautiful quilts and has agreed to make the baby's quilt. You will have to wait for pictures of the quilt and valance for when the baby's nursery is complete. I am very excited to see how everything comes together!

As thrilled as I am about the nursery, the most exciting part of the recent weeks is that I have started to feel baby Mufasa move! The movement isn't big kicks that I could feel from the outside, but usually at night when I have settled into the couch for the night I can feel Mufasa dancing around in what is still a fairly spacious home. Today, while at school the baby was moving constantly. I was actually taken back few times while I was teaching and lost my train of thought because I was so distracted by all the movement. Fun development!

1 comment:

  1. You look so great! It must be wonderful to feel little Mufasa moving around. I love hearing about the nursery developments, you should post pics :)
