Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Rant and Mostly a Rave

Last night Kati and I went to the movie Up In The Air which I have been wanting to see for quite a while now.  It is a pretty good movie and it is especially funny if you have done a lot of travel for work, as the business travel jokes were a part of the movie that I enjoyed the most.

Kati and I go to maybe 3 movies a year, although we have already gone to two in 2010 so we may top that total this year.  Anyway, the last couple times we have gone I thought it was a little silly that they have a preview that tells people not to disturb your neighbors by texting or talking on your phone during the movie.  Common sense, right.  I mean who really pays $10 a ticket to see a movie and then miss part of it to talk on the phone.  Wrong!  Not only did one person answer their phone, but at least 3 did.  And, not only did they answer their phone, they proceeded to carry on a conversation.  I was moments away from exploding so it was a very good thing that Kati was sitting between me and the teenage girl having an oh so important conversation.  Needless to say I was dumbfounded by how people can be so self-absorbed.  I may not have been the most irritated person in the theater, though, as the person sitting in front of us was sending out some serious death glares and even provided the always helpful "sssssshhhhhhhhhhhh."

Ridiculously rude people aside, I recommend seeing this movie.

Today we cashed in on the second part of Kati's birthday present/Amy's Christmas present to us and went for massages at Spalon Montage in Chanhassen.  I had originally booked us for individual massages but we happened to be in the adjoining rooms that are used for couples massages so we took advantage of it and had them open the wall.  For future reference, never pay more for a couples massage.  It is exactly the same as an individual massage, you just happen to be in the same room.  Luckily for us, the charge was the same regardless.  The massages were great; however, I feel a little cheated.  Either my massage therapist ran out of time or my feet must be extremely disgusting as she only massaged my right foot.  I thought about throwing a tantrum, but since Kati was in the room too I decided not to.  Maybe that is why they suggested the couples massage...  Oh well, it was still a great way to start a Sunday.

P.S. Beer Style:

January is the most wonderful time of year in the beer world.  Why?  Hopslam, that's why!  Hopslam is a Double IPA that is released once a year by Bell's Brewing in Kalamazoo, MI.  It is without a doubt the best and hardest to come by Double IPA I have had.  It is packed full of hops and alcohol at a pungent 10% abv.  Luckily, the best beer store in the Twin Cities, The Four Firkins, sends out an email to its customers informing fellow Hop Heads when we can pre-order, yes, I pre-ordered beer.  And now I have a case of hoppy goodness all to myself, or if you are very, very lucky I may offer you one.


  1. My guess is that your feet are really stinky... j/k

    How do pregnant ladies get massages? Do they have a hole cut in the middle of the table or do you have to get a massage on your side?

  2. I actually got to lay "on" my stomach for the first time in months! This place used a pillow/padding with a hole for the tummy. It was actually very comfortable. I guess some places, though, have you sit in a chair and others have tables that the center opens up. I did get both my feet massaged; however, I really don't think she was supposed to...I've read that massaging certain places on the feet can induce labor, and we are not ready for that, yet!

  3. Wow, I'm shocked you've been to two movies already this year! What was the other one???

  4. The Blindside, but technically I believe it was late 2009...Butter likes to exaggerate sometimes. :)
