Friday, January 29, 2010

You Have A Very Good Baby

Let's have a little fun with the letters E, G & K and see what we can spell. 

The first and obviously best word that comes to mind is keg.  Ah, that wonderful word brings me back to the days of "Hey guys there is a party at the Power House tonight, 3 kegs...yes it is Icehouse.  What, no, you can't have a house glass and don't come before 7!"  Or more recently, memories of Kati at Brendon and Sara's New Year's Eve party becoming the keg stand queen by convincing someone not to push the trigger until the count is at 5.  Memories...

Now take those same letters and rearrange them until you get EKG.  Wow, that "word" isn't near as much fun.

We had our 28 week doctor appointment this past Monday.  In addition to the regular weight and heart beat check, Kati also had lab work done to test for gestational diabetes.  Prior to the appointment she had to drink a wonderfully delicious looking drink that resembled Tang.  After that was done we were off to our appointment.

As the doctor checked on Mufasa's heartbeat it was obvious that something was not quite right.  The heartbeat was not as rapid as it had been in the past as Dr. Jenkins appeared to be much quieter than normal as she listened to the beat.  After checking and rechecking the beat she told us that she had heard an irregular beat but quickly reassured us that this is very common and could be caused by numerous things including hiccups, the heart chambers developing at different rates or even Mufasa being upset about the Tang that Kati just consumed.

Although the irregular beat is common, since she heard it she couldn't ignore it and wanted us to get a prenatal EKG to be safe.  Again she was quick to reassure us not to worry about it as baby's generally grow out of it very quickly, as quick as by the time we got the EKG or when the baby takes its first breath of real air after he/she is born.

We made an appointment at the perinatal clinic in St Louis Park for today at 1:00.  With Dr. Jenkins assurance not to worry along with the reading I had done I was not too concerned most of the week.  However, I was definitely a little nervous today. The prenatal EKG ended up being a Level II Ultrasound which is basically a regular ultrasound on steroids.  And if you are keeping score at home this makes ultrasound #5 for little Mufasa.  Someone is a fan of the camera.

The tech that performed this ultrasound was a million times better than the one we had for our 20 week ultrasound.  She was outgoing, confident and told us everything she was looking at.  We got good news right away as she looked at the heart and said she did not see any irregular rhythms.  That made it much easier to sit back a bit and enjoy seeing Mufasa once again dance around on screen.

The tech measured all the major body parts and looked at the heart several more times to make sure she was not seeing any irregular rhythms.  She was able to share with us that the baby weighed approximately 3lbs 5oz and measuring about three days ahead of the due date.  Apparently, Mufasa was not only showing off his/her dance moves, but how much he/she has grown...we are such proud parents! 

The tech told us everything looked great and was going to go show the pictures to a doctor.  Five minutes later the doctor came in and proclaimed "You have a very good baby."  He explained some of the causes of irregular heart rhythms to us and then took a look at Mufasa's heart himself and again proclaimed "You have a very good baby, very good heart."  Now that is a way to start a weekend!

What is a little drama for a good profile picture...

Now, where was I, ah yes kegs!


  1. So excited that everything is good and that you have a good baby and heart!!! :) For a mom that doesn't like to have her profile pic taken looks like baby mufasa is a little different :)

  2. Great write-up, and great news too! Makes me want to throw a keg party.
