Friday, January 15, 2010

Stop Obsessing Over My Belly Button!

Butter seems more preoccupied with the depth of my belly button than anything else...he checks it everyday.  He has been saying, "It soon won't be there anymore" and "What if you get a Simpson's bellybutton?"  Thanks, dear.  I think my belly button is the last thing I am worried about; however, it has been funny to feel it slowly shrink. As my second trimester comes to a close, I am starting to get a little nervous that things are going to take a turn for the worse - or at least get highly uncomfortable.  Over the last couple of months, I have felt really great and have enjoyed watching my belly grow. 

Funny thing is, as my belly grew I didn't even think about stretch marks; however, it is getting to that point that I am on watch.  This morning I was looking around the belly for them when I realized that I can't see the underbelly.  I even tried to 'lift" it up...just so you know it doesn't work.  Happy to report that the belly is still stretch mark free (well, if I am going to be honest stretch marks from the pregnancy:)).

Another part of pregnancy that I dread is the bloated, water weight.  As many of you may know, I am one of the few people that actually like their feet.  As of late, however, my feet have started to look like a cavewoman's, and my ankles are so attractive with sock indents.  Sadly, I have stopped wearing my wedding ring because my fingers swell so badly throughout the day.  Don't worry though, I have a ring that has worked as a back-up.  Yes, Chubs, the Wal-Mart engagement ring lives on!  Let's not think about the fact that my finger in college was the size of bloated pregnant woman's finger, okay?!

One of the most enjoyable parts of the second trimester is the baby's movements.  Now that the baby moves way more often and Butter is able to feel the movements, I am trying to get used to the new permanent attachment to my belly...Butter's hand.  I can't blame him though, it is such an incredible feeling.  Earlier this week, Baby Mufasa decided to be very restful, making mommy very nervous.  I have gotten very used to the baby movements between 7-9am and after 7pm each and every day so I was having a small freak out when I barely felt any movement from Sunday - Tuesday.  What I thought was an "internal" freak out apparently wasn't so internal as my stress over the non-movement started to overflow onto Butter.  He then informed me, after a little research, it is completely normal to have a few days of little movement due to the baby growing and having less space to move.  He was right because on Tuesday night Mufasa was kicking more often and with a lot more force.  And the kicks haven't stopped since...whew!

Coming soon should be some updated nursery pictures as well as a belly picture as next week marks week 28...the beginning of the third trimester!  My dad has been very busy for the last couple weeks connecting the two closets in the baby's room making them one...knocking the wall out, removing the door and frame, sheet-rocking, mudding, sanding, and replacing base boards.  We are very thankful to my dad for coming down to work on the baby's room...ah, retirement.

Oh, one more piece of excitement...we are anxiously awaiting news of the newest addition to the Roder family...Butter is the oldest grandson and this one on the way "might" just be the last of the grandchildren for Grandpa and Grandma Roder.  Only a measly 30 years apart.  We are excited for Baby Roder and Baby Mousel to soon meet and grow up together!

1 comment:

  1. Wal*Mart bling never goes out of style! I am jealous that Arlen is working on your closets. I need to work on mine - if he has any tips, let me know.

    Happy Week 28 :)
