Thursday, February 4, 2010

A Rite of Passage?

Rite of Passage #1
So it finally happened...I discovered my first pregnancy related stretch mark. I say found because it is on the underside of my belly. The somewhat embarrassing part of it is I discovered it at school...yes, I was in the bathroom, and yes, it was a single stall bathroom. The week has been absolutely crazy, and I think I was just trying not to head back to my classroom anytime soon, so I was checking out my super sexy belly in the mirror when I saw a darker than usual spot. Again, I tried to "lift" my belly up to have a closer look, but that still does not work. Between the mirror and my experience knowing what a stretch mark feels like I was convinced. It is a rite of passage, right?! I was going to post a picture of it because I am sure many of you are dying to see it; however, my good judgment took hold and decided against are welcome.

Rite of Passage #2
Butter and I started our four week journey into the unknown...Birthing Classes. For a class focusing on the miracle of child birth, our first class was not that miraculous. Just to give you an idea of the instructor we take this journey with, she used the word poppycock within the first five minutes of class, decided to take an hour and half to tell me to breathe during labor, and when going through the roster she asked a woman named Holly if she was born on Christmas! Well, because you know, the only reason you would name your child Holly is after the holiday it is most prevalent. Butter and I have now decided to name our child know April and all.

The only thing that kept us going were the other couples in the class. There was a very uncomfortable couple across from us. The woman wanted to be all touchy-feely and continually tried to hold her husband's hand, and he was not really into it. At one point, she put his hand on her belly and he looked at her and said, "No, I am not doing that." I really would like to write about some of the other couples, but I don't think justice will be done.

PS The rendition of Thriller (see post below) the Middle School Team performed at school on Monday received 540 votes out of approximately 720 to claim the coveted title of "SACS Idol Champions (of the World)". The aggravating pain in my lower back all week has now all been worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Who knew there would be good people watching at a birthing class? Ha!
