Friday, March 5, 2010

5 Things

Unlike Kati, I have only read one book on what to expect during the epic journey called pregnancy. That book was titled "Pregnancy Sucks: FOR MEN". To my defense, I did not buy this book rather it was given to me by a friend and co-worker. See if you can guess who gave it to me. This book was filled with horror stories as to what a ragging (insert profane word) your otherwise lovely wife turns into as she is growing life's little miracle inside her. Luckily 90% of the horror stories have not turned out to be true for me. However there are a few things Kati and I will be happy to see end once little Mufasa is born and there are also a few we will miss.

Butter's 5 Things About Pregnancy That Suck:
  1. Mood Swings - There really haven't been many but the couple that have occurred have not been fun.
  2. Super Hyper-Sensitive Sense of Smell - Kati has a super power nose when she isn't pregnant and now I think she could out sniff a blood hound. Hmm, maybe we could make a little extra money in the remaining 5 weeks of pregnancy. I may have to give the sheriff's office a call and see if they need an extra sniffer...
  3. Gas - I don't think I need to explain this one or could do it justice!
  4. Extreme Tiredness - The 1st trimester is the worst and now it is starting to resurface.
  5. Laugh Suffocation - This one you kind of need to witness to understand, but during pregnancy if Kati laughs too hard she loses her breath and it sounds like she is choking. This leads to tears (and actually turns into uncontrollable crying) and whatever we were laughing about is no longer funny. Definite buzz kill.
Butter's 5 Things About Pregnancy That Don't Suck:
  1. Kati's pregnancy figure- I think she looks really good!
  2. Pee Laughs- Occasionally, when Kati laughs she loses how should I say, a little self control and has to run to the bathroom. I think this may end up on Kati's sucks list, but it is entertaining for me.
  3. A reason to buy a Burley! Kati says Mufasa can't ride in it until he/she is at least 1, but I think Mufasa will want to go for a ride this summer.
  4. Mufasa's kicks.
  5. The anticipation of having a boy or girl. I have had no desire to find out what we are having ahead of time and I can't wait for the ultimate surprise.
From the other side of the bump, I (Kati) have definitely enjoyed the ride called pregnancy, but in all actuality there are definitely some things I will not miss. As the light at the end of the journey is now a glimmer ahead, I do know that some things will get much worse and more uncomfortable before the little one becomes the central light in our life, but to this point here are my 5 things I am ready to be done with and 5 things I have really enjoyed and appreciated.

5 Things About Pregnancy I Will Not Miss At All:
  1. Sleeping arrangements - There is still only two in the bed, but with all the extra pillows and blankets it takes to support my ever growing tummy you would think there are five of us!
  2. Not being able to get myself up - I do not accept help all too often when it is something I truly should be able to do myself (oh, that lovely thing called pride...however, that very thing may come in quite handy come labor and delivery). It was a tough couple of weeks getting up off the couch before I finally gave in and accepted help. I could probably add tying shoes, putting on socks, bending over to pick things up, etc. to this list as well.
  3. The numbness on the left side of "my shelf" and the pain parallel to it on the back side - for as long as I can remember during this pregnancy, I have had severe numbness at the top of my belly on the left side. Once I got much further along pain started in my back exactly across from the numbness. I don't know what Mufasa has decided to sit on in there, but he/she can move anytime.
  4. The nighttime thirst and the four trips to the bathroom - It's a catch-22 (shout out to the Chub's). I have never in my life been as thirsty as I have been during pregnancy and especially at night; however, as many of you know a pregnant woman's bladder cannot hold even a teaspoon of liquid without the urge to go running to the bathroom. So do I go thirsty or get up four times during the night, practically fall down the stairs (because you know my feet are so swollen and tingly sometimes I don't know how stable they are) for yet another trip to the bathroom? On a positive note, the night pees are the most relieving in that you are able to actually empty a full bladder.
  5. Sorry to dwell on the pee thing, but I will not miss the dribbles. Seriously, peeing yourself at 30 does not make you feel like the coolest person alive. I was hoping to not have to wear a pad for at least the duration of this pregnancy...that might not happen!
I could go on with a few other items, but Butter said I could only list 5 things!

5 Things That Have Been Pretty Cool During Pregnancy:
  1. Having an excuse for EVERYTHING...when you are pregnant nobody can judge you for your comments or decisions. Raging hormones can be an awesome thing!
  2. "Meeting" Mufasa through our 5 ultrasounds
  3. A reason to have to reorganize the house and not being able to do a lot of it...I love you, dear! And a HUGE THANK YOU to mom and dad!!
  4. Feeling Baby Mousel grow bigger and stronger through his/her movements (from flutters to hiccups to the big kicks and stretches) and watching my belly is pretty amazing that women's bodies were designed to go through this process (as unnatural as some of it seems sometimes :))
  5. The anticipation of meeting our little one! The not knowing of what life is going to be like once the baby comes has been trying at times, but I guess that is one of the joys that comes with parenthood and I can't wait! It is almost surreal to think in less than six weeks Butter and I will be mom and dad.


  1. Awesome sharing, musings and candidness on so many levels. Thank you! Can you also give top 5 picks for the Oscars??! Love you guys!

  2. I smiled the whole time I read this post...and kept thinking what great parents you both are going to be. Let the countdown begin...
