Friday, March 19, 2010

The Beginning of the End

I went in for our 36 week appointment yesterday and found out "the end" has begun. Things had been feeling a little different for the last week and a half so I was anxious to hear if I was right. Yep, our doctor confirmed it. I am 1 1/2 cm dilated and 60% effaced; so if I were to go into labor they would not stop it! I would like baby to remain put until at least the end of next week and then he/she can come any time, but we all know babies come on their own time.

I don't know if they normally do a urine test at 36 weeks, but after I said I am now needing to use the restroom at least every 40 minutes, heavily swollen in my legs, ankles, and feet, and gained six pounds in two weeks the nurse promptly told me I needed to pee in the cup. Everything checked out normal so I am just lucky, I guess. Take a look below at how lucky...

Yeah, you don't need to say it...they are the finest looking feet you have ever seen! Can you see the six pounds?!


  1. I have to admit, I did gasp when I saw your feet. You poor thing! I did also notice how great your hair looks though! :)

  2. 1-1/2 centimeters - that's so exciting! Less work you need to do when you go into labor!

    You should give those feet a pedicure in a few weeks. At least the swelling would be a little more colorful :)

  3. I see right past the swollen legs, ankles and feet and am instantly drawn to your most perfect toenails! Hee. You need to come with mom and I when we go in for our pedicure- lets plan for next week sometime.

  4. Hang in there lady! Sounds like the end is near. Thinking of you. Mando

  5. Wow, you are so close! And your poor ankles! Sounds like they have some pampering coming soon though.

    I'm really excited for you, keep us updated.
