Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What a Week for Birthdays!

Happy Birthday, Kerri! (Today, March 17)
Happy Birthday, Mom! (Tomorrow, March 18)
Happy Birthday, Colin Michael! (Literally, Monday, March 15)

Congratulations to Sara and Brendon on the birth of their son, Colin Michael! It has been tough making the transition from his womb name of Little Krieg to Colin, but what an adorable name. For those that do not know, Sara and I have been friends since sophomore year of college and lived together junior and senior years. She is the only other Chubby (the name of our college house we lived in senior year) to stay in Minnesota post-college, and we have been able to share being pregnant at the same time. Obviously, her being four weeks ahead of me, she has been more of a help to me than I probably was to her as she was very good at letting me know what to expect at my next appointment or what I should have done on my baby checklist. She is always on top of things! Fortunately for her, she is no longer in the uncomfortable pregnancy stage and has met their 8lb, 14oz son! Butter and I were able to stop by for a short visit yesterday to congratulate the new family. Colin slept so peacefully the whole visit and Sara looks great!

I do have to say upon entering the hospital and the birthing center, it made me a little anxious. Sara has been my measuring stick and as excited as I am to meet our little one, I all of sudden realized how close we are to being responsible for such a tiny, fragile life. I have been very focused on finishing out my school year (seven more days for those wondering!) and dwelling on the massive swelling of my feet and lack of sleep (yes, I know the sleep deprivation will only get worse) that I am not always focused on the actual baby. Our visit to the hospital struck a reality cord!

So today marks 36 weeks...four more weeks until due date. Early on I had prepared myself for an overdue baby, but lately I have felt that Mufasa might be ready to make an appearance earlier (or maybe it is wishful thinking). Tomorrow I have my first of weekly appointments and we will see if anything is happening!


  1. Very honest and well-said, Kati. I would probably feel the same way in your swollen feet. All will go well for you too, and the magic for loving and care-taking of your little life will happen naturally. I'm hoping for a slightly early birth so I can meet Mufasa in person!
