Sunday, April 18, 2010

Ironman 2010 - A Preview

Next Sunday is the annual Ironman Bike Ride. The Ironman is widely known for two things; 1) It is the unofficial start to the cycling season & 2) It is held regardless of weather and more often than not, the weather is down right atrocious.

Last year was the first time I participated in the Ironman and without question it lived up to it's reputation with 20+ mph winds, driving rain, thunder and even a little hail to make things interesting. Not really the conditions I was hoping for going into my first Century (100 mile ride).

Photo courtesy of Kerri

The photo above is me shortly after I nearly quit the ride around mile 70 or so. If Kati, Brenda, Kerri, Josie, and Elias had not been at the Montgomery rest stop I probably would have begged the SAG wagon driver to take me home as soon as possible.

I held strong and continued on towards Lakeville, where the ride begins and ends at Lakeville North High School. As you approach Lakeville, riders can see a high school from quite a distance away. This gave me a much needed boost of energy as I thought the ride was finally over. As I got closer to the school I saw another rider in front of me turn away from the school. I thought to myself that maybe this rider lives in Lakeville and was simply taking a turn to head home. WRONG! The school I saw was Lakeville South. I checked my GPS and I still had 2 miles to go... I was nearly in tears at that point and I am pretty sure I let some choice 4 letter words fly as well.

7 hours and 45 minutes later I finally finished the ride. My first Century was over. I was dead tired and soaked to the bone. At that point it occurred to me that I failed to bring a change of clothes with me when I left in the morning. Luckily, I am married to the greatest woman in the world. Kati had Brenda and Arlen drive her to Lakeville where she met me with a dry towel and a change of clothes.

So next week I attempt to tick one of my resolutions off my to do list. Hopefully the weather will be better this year, but I am not holding my breath. If nothing else I won't suffer alone this year as I somehow convinced Scottie O to suffer with me.

Check in next week to see if I survived.

P.S. Beer Style

It has been awhile since I plugged a beer, so here is the latest offering from New Belgium and it may be their best beer yet. So if you are looking for a beer to enjoy on this fantastic Sunday see if you can find a Ranger IPA, you won't be disappointed.

P.P.S. Isabel Style (2 Weeks Old):

1 comment:

  1. Too bad the Ironman wasn't this past weekend because the weather was perfect. I beleive it's supposed to be nice on Sunday so hopefully you will have a better ride than last year. I vividly remember your complete expression of exhaustion last year. We unfortunately won't be around this weekend to cheer you on, so GOOD LUCK! We know you can do it!

    P.S. Paul will be trying out your beer recommendation immediately.

    P.S.S. I LOVE the 2nd picture of Isabel. So cute.
