Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mommy's Day

As my first Mother's Day comes to a close I feel like I need to reflect on being a new mom. Before I do that, though, I do need to recognize a special dad for all his efforts on our blog. Without Butter all you who check in on us for Isabel updates would not be getting any as I have not posted a thing since before Isabel came. Thank you, are a doing a great job at being a proud daddy! We love you! (And not just because you helped Isabel pick out a beautiful ring for Mommy!)

As I look back on six weeks of motherhood, I am amazed at how much has changed in my perspective. Being a mom changes everything...anything I read or see about babies hits me way differently than before, and I often end up in tears (I thought I was emotional during pregnancy)! Here is the most important thing I have learned so far in my short experience as a mom.

Parenthood is HARD. Yes, everyone tells you that "being a parent is the hardest job you will ever have, but the most rewarding job in the world." However, it just starts to seem so cliche as you hear over and over. Oh, and it does not even start to explain it. Parenthood is a different kind of hard...I don't know how to describe it. The best way to try is: parenthood can suck everything out of you physically and emotionally (often until the tears come, you feel like you don't know what more to do and question every decision you are making) and then with just one look from the most important little person in the world you feel completely whole once again. Awesome, just awesome.

I also learned that throwing a party for your baby is a lot of work. Isabel was baptized on Saturday and we welcomed a mere 25 people into our home for dinner. I wanted everyone to have a seat to eat so our humble little home became a whole lot smaller. All the work was worth it, though, as Isabel was surrounded by so many people that absolutely love and adore her.

Isabel wearing Mommy's Baptismal gown (not bad for 30 years old!)...yes, she slept through the whole mass including the actual Baptism.

Isabel with Mom, Dad, Godmother Kerri, and Godfather Ryan

Isabel with Great Grandpa and Grandma Roder, Grandma and Papa Mousel, and Auntie Amy

Isabel with Grandma and Papa Hoen

Isabel with Mom, Dad, and Father Wittman

Isabel and Mommy opening gifts

No party is complete without cake!

Thank you to all who made Isabel's Baptism such a beautiful day!


  1. Thank you for such a nice evening after Isabel's baptism. Your post made me smile- especially the last picture :)

    Isabel is such a lucky little girl to have a wonderful mommy like you! XOXO

  2. Happy Mother's Day, Kati. I really loved reading this post. What an amazing family you have.

  3. Wow, I really enjoyed your sharing of your perspective. I still don't digest what it all means, but I surely appreciate and admire who you and Butter are to your Isabel. Nice to see that beautiful church again!

  4. I loved hearing your honest thoughts about being a mother - thanks for sharing. Love the last picture of Isabel laying down - she is so sweet. Can't wait to meet her in a few weeks!
