Thursday, May 13, 2010

Lesson Learned

So our baby girl is six weeks old! I had my doctors appointment yesterday that went well as I assumed it would. Doctor said I am all healed up and ready to go (if you know what I mean...but let's be honest that won't be happening any time soon). Isabel was very well behaved as she should have been after six hours of straight sleep the night before! Woohoo!! However, as I have learned, each and every day (and night) right now is different, very different.

Last night, Isabel slept maybe an hour and a half. She spent most of the night grunting, whimpering, or all out crying. The first reaction people have is colic, but her tummy was bothering her. I called my mom at 6:45am and asked if she knew anything we could do to help our Isabel feel better. She called Mary, who is our family's go-to nurse when we need any medical advice...thanks, Mary! Isabel just needed to work through her belly ache. In the meantime, my dad graciously came down to watch her while I was able to get a few more hours of sleep. It is amazing how two hours of uninterrupted sleep can completely refresh me. A million thanks to my dad!

We still needed to get to the bottom of her belly ache. I soon realized for the sake of our sleep and Isabel's health, I need to be more careful with my diet. Much to her daddy's dismay, spicy food does not sit well with Isabel. I had jambalaya for dinner the other night and I am pretty sure that is what was the cause of Isabel's discomfort. Lesson learned.

Here are a few random pictures of Isabel:

On Mother's Day, we made a trip to the cemetery to visit Grandma Lily and Great-Grandma B, who we named our Isabel after.

"I can sit all by myself...well, okay with the help of the couch."

Isabel is really starting to like her rattle toys.

Hanging out on daddy's lap and she loves looking around.

Harley and Isabel hanging out. He is always very curious about her and never far from her side.

Mommy and Isabel cheek-to-cheek...we love each other soooooo much!


  1. OMG she is getting so big already! Try to eliminate dairy from your diet-or at least cut it down a bit. Might help with the belly problems for her. I could not eat much dairy while I nursed. Heard this is true for lots of moms.
    Sleeping is a tough one. I have tried EVERYTHING and still have a 10 month old that wakes once a night for bottle. Woombie helped some and sleeping in car seat helped Stella until she was 5 months old! She liked the snug and tight feeling. Good luck, thinking of you!

  2. PS-do you have a dog and I was not aware of this?
