Saturday, May 22, 2010

How Busy Is Isabel?

Sooooo busy! Little Isabel has quite a busy week. Last Saturday, the day started with Maddie's 8th birthday party at the park. I may be a teacher and around kids a lot, but I have new respect for Suz and James after that party with many LOUD 2nd grade wore me out just watching them! Luckily, it was a beautiful day and the girls could run around and play at the park. After the party, we were off to my graduation. I do have five class sessions left, but the ceremony for all graduate programs was held last Saturday. According to dad and Grandma and Grandpa Hoen, Isabel did really well throughout the two hour ceremony.

I had gone back and forth about walking at graduation, but since this will almost certainly be my last time graduating from something I decided to go for it. Sorry, no doctorate for this gal. I decided to tell my students they are to call me Master Mousel from now on! :)

Here is most of my cohort...we are short three. As you can see mommy brain is in full swing as I forgot my medallion! Oh well, I was just impressed we made it on time.

Family photo at my graduation...I think we were all ready for a nap!

When we got home, Isabel had her first dinner visit to Turtle's (she has been there one other time for lunch). I had thought about bringing Isabel up to the dance recital that night, but decided that she would enjoy a quiet night at home with dad. Josie graciously volunteered to come down and help him out while he got some work done on his bike. On Sunday, we were off to another birthday party...happy 30th birthday, Uncle Josh!

Because of the gorgeous weather, Monday we went out to Kassi's to visit before she went to work. We went for a long walk that was a little intense at times (big, big hill) and not only did it wear us out, Lucy was knocked out on the couch when we left. Later that day we went on another walk with Grandma and Harley, and we ran into some of my students at their softball game...sixth graders sure do grow during 4th quarter! Tuesday is my softball night and since it was so nice Isabel and dad came to watch. She must be a good luck charm as we won only our third game in three years!

If you look closely you can see pretty bad road rash up and down my arm as I biffed it not once, but twice! I chalked it up to being a little lopsided on top as I fed Isabel before we left, but didn't time to pump the other side. :)

Isabel had a rough day on Wednesday so we decided she definitely needed a bath to soothe her that night. She has come to love her bath time as it is quite relaxing for her, but maybe a little too relaxing. Isabel had her first bath tub poop! At seven weeks we laugh and think it is cute, but come three, four years old we might have a different tone blogging about it.

Friday night we went to the Twins game courtesy of tickets through Butter's work, and was the longest both of us had been away from Isabel at the same time. I was a little nervous to leave her as she has had a good number of crying fits this week, but I knew she was in good hands with Kerri, Paul, Josie, and Elias. When we got to the game, I was overwhelmed to say the least. I had to stop when we got to our section to regroup. I felt like I was in the Matrix and forgot how to socialize with adults. It was a crazy feeling, but I pushed through and enjoyed the game. Twins won 15-3 over the Brewers so not much of a game, but fun nonetheless. The DeGeest's reported that Isabel was a very happy and calm girl while we were gone so all in all a good night!

After looking back, I realized we don't have a lot of pictures doing those things, but here are some that have been captured throughout the week:

This is how Butter and Isabel like to spend most of their time together.

One of many kisses Isabel gets from mommy.

Isabel helping Elias with his homework...sitting on the scale.

Isabel's first time in the Bjorn and first trip (of many) to REI.

Isabel with a peony from our backyard.


How strong am I? Soooooo strong!


  1. Congrats on finishing grad school Master Mousel, what an accomplishment! I love all the pics - especially the smile :)

  2. Hope you got a picture of the bath "incident" to show her when she is a teenager! So wonderful to finally meet Isabel - what a perfect baby!
