Thursday, May 27, 2010

Perfect Timing

In the past week or so, little Isabel has been sharing more and more smiles and starting to discover her "speaking" voice (such a nice change from her "other" voice, aka crying). I absolutely love watching her grow and discover all the new things about herself and the world around her. It is even better when she gets her timing just perfect so these moments are shared with others. Yesterday, for instance...

Butter plays ball up in St. Paul on Wednesday nights and if it is a late game he comes home after work before heading up. We were up at Grandpa and Grandma's last night for dinner and Butter needed to get going. When he was getting ready to leave Isabel started to get fussy and speaking in her not so cute voice. Butter headed out (Butter had his timing perfect) and I was left to calm her down. Shortly after he left though she calmed herself and when I looked down at her she was smiling behind her pacifier. I pulled out the pacifier and asked her, "Were you just fussing to make daddy feel guilty for leaving?", and she responded in her soft speaking voice, "ye-ah." Hilarious!

For those skeptics, Kortney witnessed the exchange, and I even asked her, "Did you hear that?!" and she confirmed. At least I am not claiming she spoke her first words here! Just perfect timing.

Another perfect timing moment...

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