Monday, June 7, 2010

Livin' in the Car Seat

It has been a while, so this is a long one. You might want to grab a snack!

Is it June 7, already?! I cannot believe how fast the last couple of weeks have gone by and our little Isabel is well over two months old. We are little behind in our bear with me as I try to catch up the last two weeks.

(Isabel was pretty tired and not very into her photo shoot)

Isabel showed what a strong little girl she was at her two month wellness check-up when she got not one, not two, but three immunization shots (not to mention the oral one as well)! She did so well as she was more mad at getting her legs pinned down than the shots themselves. She calmed down as soon as I picked her up (ahhhhhh) and a little comfort food later she was ready to head up to the cabin for her first visit and first big car ride. Before we get to the cabin here are her stats:

Weight = 11lbs 12oz (75th percentile)
Length = 23 1/2 in (90th percentile)
Head = 14 1/2 in (10th percentile)

Friday afternoon we left for Memorial Day weekend at the cabin with very little room to spare in the car. We had a little rough start as I think Isabel was starting to feel the affects of the shots. So a little Tylenol and a small bottle in Buffalo kept her content all the way up to Lake Miltona. The weekend was so fun and the weather was pretty awesome considering it was the end of May. Isabel sat out in the sun (nothing like some natural Vitamin D) due to the invasion of May Flies...I will not miss those the next time we head up. She went to her first wedding and met many new was an outdoor, farm wedding that was absolutely gorgeous, however, the only pictures dad took are of his little girl. Also, the debut of her "summer snowsuit" and a "big girl" bath courtesy of Maddie and Ava were some of the other highlights from the weekend.

Tuesday came with dark, windy thunderstorms, but it was brightened by the visit from Sara and baby Colin, and Alaskan friends, Jodi and Graham. What a fun visit! And the first time Isabel was awake when she and Colin were together.

On Wednesday we finally made it up to school to see some of my students! I had intended to make it up much sooner, but was waiting for a time when I could visit and wouldn't interrupt too much. Since summer vacation was coming up very quickly, we went up for the special prayer service for the president of my school. In Middle School as to be expected, the boys came to peak at her, but the girls just wanted to giggle and fawn over her. We also were able to visit Maddie's second grade class, as they very diligently prayed for us during my pregnancy. All the kids were super excited to see Isabel and had to be told to go back to their seats, the girls and the boys!

The week flew by as I fretted about the next big road trip: first trip to Grandma and Grandpa Mousel's in Iowa! No need to worry, though, Isabel slept all the way down. I actually had to wake her up three hours in to give her a bottle. She was a busy little girl as she met her Great Uncle Tag at his 50th birthday bash, Great Aunts Joanie and Suzie, and cousins Sarah and Megan. Sarah and Megan told her that every Mousel needs a moose so they gave her "Bruce the Moose"...and Isabel loves him. The weekend definitely wore little Miss Isabel out as she slept most of the day on Sunday including the entire ride home!

So there was the condensed version of a very eventful couple of weeks. We are excited to have many more friends available for day visits since school lets out this week for the summer. Again, is it really June 7, already?!


  1. Yes, it is June 7th... I suppose since Isabel is still considered a baby, we'll all give you a break about not posting as frequently as we all wish you would :)

    Cute pictures!

  2. We really loved spending some time with Isabel last week - thanks for letting us come over! She was such a hit at the wedding too. That girl is a social event all on her own.

    So great to see you Mousels. Butter - good luck on the MS 150 Ride 2010, what a great goal and a good cause too. I hope it goes well!
