Thursday, June 10, 2010

Joe Who, Mascot What???

Somehow, Butter and I tend to end up by interesting people when we are out and about. If you have heard us tell the Denali bus trip story about our "friends" Ursala and Gordon or remember the Rally Cap guy from Game 163, those are some of the interesting people we are talking about. Well, last nights Twins game was no different.

Butter and I had bought tickets to the Twins game awhile ago believing it would be our first game together (Butter was fortunate enough to go to the Opener). We had gotten good seats down the third base line in the midst of the Hen House. What do I mean by the Hen House? I am talking about a flock of women who came to the game as a work outing and knew absolutely nothing about the Twins!

I kid you not, one of the women had no idea who Joe Mauer have no business being at a Twins game (much less in the state of Minnesota) if someone has to point out who Joe is to you. The response from the other ladies was very matter-of-fact (which is also annoying), "He is the catcher, you know, behind home plate. He has a mask over his face so you can't see what he looks like." Oh my have got to be kidding me!

So the hens keep clucking throughout the game and then we hear, "Who is that down there? It looks like a mascot." What she is asking about as you can see from the picture below is in fact: TC, the Twins MASCOT! Woman you are killing me!

She did, however, want to know if Butter was a professional photographer and if he had a website for his pictures. What, to buy pictures of a game you know nothing about?! Anyway, enough of my rant. Here are some of the "professional" pictures Butter got of the game.


  1. That is HILLARIOUS!!! And, no kidding... how do you not know Joe Mauer??? Cluck cluck.

    Butter- those are very professional pictures :) Isn't it awesome to have a great camera to get those plays? They are super pictures! Good job.

  2. It is slightly better than the disposables!

  3. Oh, Ursula and Gordon - I almost forgot about them! Thanks for the reminder - Kati, I can picture you right now imitating them! :)
