Saturday, June 26, 2010

Master Mousel

It's official! Two years ago, I starting pursuing my masters degree kicking and screaming. Okay, maybe not kicking and screaming, but at least dragging my heels creating a small trench. Obviously, it is not something I was ever looking forward to, but being a teacher, what better example for my students than showing them that even the most wise of all teachers can learn more?! No, in all honesty, it was a rewarding experience and I am very proud to have this accomplished. Oh, and also very, very relieved.

I will not miss the homework or the constant worry on my mind about what I should have been working on instead of watching TV or whatever enjoyable activity I was doing at the time. I will miss, however, the highly professional people I ventured on this journey with. Each one of these twelve individuals has such passion for teaching and I am lucky to have the opportunity to talk "shop" with them each Thursday night.

Back on May 15, I had walked during the graduation ceremony, but the work was not complete. On Thursday night, though, the work was done and a celebration was had. Thank you Butter, Isabel, and Mom and Dad for coming to support and party with me! Here are a couple pictures of my final night as a grad student:

Isabel and I standing in front of my display of key learnings.

Cohort 309

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, dear daughter-in-law. We are proud of you! M&D Mousel
