Sunday, June 27, 2010

Spoker Run 2010

Last Saturday the SBC hosted the 2nd annual Spoker Run. What is a Spoker Run you ask? It is a gathering of bike nerds riding vintage cruiser bikes on a pub crawl playing poker, hence Spoker Run. The event was the brainchild of Kati's brother James. This years run departed Arnies Friendly Folks Club and was followed up with stops at James and Suz's, Applebee's, the KC Hall, VFW, the Eagles Club and Turtles Bar and Grill. Riders drew a card at each bar including a PBR bottle top at James & Suz's rest stop. For those that don't know, PBR bottles have a playing card on the inside of the bottle cap.

Their is nothing like the site of 20+ riders cruising down the road on vintage bikes with the sounds of cards in bike spokes, bells and horns blasting as we took over the road. The reaction from people in town and at the bars was priceless. Reggie, a patron at Eagles, was so impressed with us that he bought us a round of drinks.

So here is a look at some of the bikes, the SBC Crew and a video recap of the night.

The SBC Crew:

Kati's Murray: (Photo stolen from Matt Notermann)

Butter's Murray Missile, which only made it half way through the run. Ah, the beauty of vintage bikes! Luckily, the run had its very own Sag Wagon...thanks Ron and Tyler. (Photo stolen from Matt Notermann)

Bike Nerd talk with Jake: (Photo stolen from Matt Notermann)

Needs no explanation:

Don't tell Schwinn their saddle is on a Murray: (Photo stolen from Matt Notermann)

From James's collection, licensed in the Ice Cream Capital of the World: (Photo Stolen from Matt Notermann)

A little Euchre side game during the Spoker Run:

The Official Beer of the SBC:

Somebody has a good hand:

Lesson Learned from last year, safety first!

The winning hand:

Spoker Run 2010 the Video:

Spoker Run 2010 from Jason Mousel on Vimeo.


  1. Did you just call me a bike nerd?

  2. I am IMPRESSED w/the video - well, the 30 seconds my slow computer managed to show me, but I will try again l8r.

    Looks like fun; how can it not be w/PBR, right?

  3. The video can be tricky to watch. It help to let the entire video load first, which can take while with the hd. Or i think if you double click the video it will take you to vimeo which should load faster than the embedded video.
