Friday, August 6, 2010

4 Months

Oh, how time flies...have I said that already, lately? Isabel is already 4 months old and this past month has been the most fun yet.

She smiles so much and laughs on occasion. Chewing on her fingers constantly produces massive drool which has led to finding her toes and putting those in her mouth (oh, to be so young again...). The play pad is one of her favorite places to be and will pivot and roll over most often here. She has been rolling over from tummy to back for quite some time, but has recently rolled from back to tummy. I honestly did not think that would happen anytime too soon as she much prefers to lay on her back as she can see so much more. Speaking of seeing things, she LOVES looking at herself in the mirror. A tantrum might be brewing, but if I can get her to a mirror fast enough we can sometimes avert it. She still is not sleeping nearly enough, but working on that is on the agenda for the next week (hopefully, no longer...fingers crossed).

Isabel's four month wellness check-up was a little late as her pediatrician was out of town last week, but we went in today and here are the stats:

Weight: 14lbs, 10oz (75th percentile)
Height: 26in (75th percentile)
Head: 15 1/2in (25th percentile)

She received two more shots today and did awesome, but I think she definitely felt the effects of it later in the day. Poor girl. The doctor said she is very alert and aware for a four month old, and we can start feeding her solids whenever we want. So on the menu tomorrow is rice cereal...yummy!

So that's a quick recap of Isabel at four months. We made another trip to the cabin last weekend so we have a few fun pics and memories to share soon!

1 comment:

  1. So fun to read what Isabel's been up to and how she's changing - solid foods! Thanks for the blog updates, love all the pictures!
