Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A New Chapter

Monday marked Isabel's first day of daycare. Yes, there were many tears shed - none by Isabel, all from mommy. I shed some tears on Sunday night reflecting on the long, lazy days of Isabel and mommy time; and then again on Monday after leaving her. I was able to hold myself together until I got in the car to drive away. Today I still had a lump or two in my throat, but pushed back the tears. Isabel seems to really like it, but who wouldn't when she comes up and eight kids come running up excitedly yelling "Isabel is here, Isabel is here!" And then all huddle around asking if it is their turn to play with her (Barbie tells them only two kids can talk to her at a time and no touching her face!). Oh, to be cute and popular...I wonder what that is like?!

Isabel all buckled in and ready for her first day at daycare!

In honor of essentially the end of summer, we had a big weekend. On Saturday, we went to the horse races, which was a lot of fun. Isabel loved watching the horses prance around before going out onto the track; however, I don't know if she liked them more than the bushes she would grab for that separated the horses from the spectators.

Isabel and Grandma waiting for the horses (or playing in the bushes)!

Daddy and Isabel deciding on the best bet for next race
(Isabel knows her stuff...we left with our winnings totaling $18!!).

On Sunday, Isabel made her second trip to Valleyfair. A big crew went again: Isabel, daddy, mommy, Grandpa and Grandma, Uncle James and Aunt Suz, Maddie and Ava, Josie and Elias, Aunt Kerri, Uncle Paul, and Aunt Kortney. It was a long, but super fun day. She rode the train again with Grandma and also rode the Carousel with mom and dad. Mom and dad had a blast, too. Mommy's voice has been a little hoarse from all the screaming...the body doesn't handle rides like they used to!

Isabel sitting like a big girl in the stroller (without the car seat)...she loved it!

Isabel, daddy, and mommy on the Carousel (we sat in the black chariot during the ride).

So the magic of summer is coming to a close, and "real life" must start up again. I am going into this school year with many mixed emotions. I feel fortunate that I love what I do otherwise this transition would be much more difficult. I am nervous and excited to see how Isabel continues to change and grow as she is such an animated little girl. But being back at work I worry about missing out on some of those exciting changes as they happen. I am sure many parents struggle with all the same feelings I am having, and it just gets figured out. So I guess I am ready to get it figured out.

PS Isabel has started eating solids and loves it! I will post pictures of her and her carrot dinner soon.

1 comment:

  1. She's getting so big! I'm sure it's crazy hard to leave your baby during the day, but it sounds like you've found a great daycare for her. I can't believe summer is almost over already :(
