Saturday, August 21, 2010


For a few weeks now Isabel has been eating "solid" foods. She has seemed ready for awhile, as she would just stare at anything we would put in our mouths with a look wondering, "Why I am not getting any of that?!" We have moved a little quicker than recommended introducing new foods to her, but she has not negatively reacted (other than getting a little blotchy here and there), so full steam ahead. So far Isabel has enjoyed: rice cereal, oatmeal cereal, carrots, bananas, peaches, and sweet potatoes. Grandma Brenda "magic bulleted" real bananas and rice cereal that she loved...she ate the whole banana plus all the rice cereal! I thought feeding her solids would be a lot more work, but so far I have really enjoyed this new stage. Below is Isabel enjoying some rice cereal and carrot combo.

So we are not super great at the spoon directly in mouth quite yet, but we are getting there. I have to laugh because Barb feeds her at daycare and Isabel has come home everyday with dried rice cereal in some interesting places. Barb says Isabel likes to grab the spoon and try to feed herself...yeah, we have a little Miss Independant on our hands.

Oh, I had to post this one as well. I do not know if I have emphasized enough how much Isabel likes her feet. If I haven't this should help. No, she did not blink when I took this photo; she is actually sleeping in her swing while holding (tightly I might add) her foot.


  1. Who are the pretty flowers from and why? :)

  2. My super wonderful husband gave them to me for our anniversary. He is the best!
