Sunday, September 19, 2010

Isabel and Friends

In the last few weeks Isabel has had quite a few play dates with her friends. We thought we would share some other cutie-pies that Isabel calls her friends.

The weekend before Labor Day, Emily was in town and invited Allison, Nikki, and I over for dinner and kid chaos. Isabel is the youngest of the crew so not much chaos from her, but definitely a window to what life could be like one day.

The kid crew: Isabel, Jenna, Will, Kiera, and Alex

Will stealing a kiss from Isabel.

Mommies and babies

The next day Colin and his mom were in our neck of the woods to check out their new house. They stopped by Grandma and Grandpa's for a little play time. Isabel and Colin really seemed to acknowledge each other this time and were quite playful.

Why, hello there!

How do babies get know each other? They suck on each others fingers and then give kisses. How sweet!

Isabel is very excited to help her friend Colin move into his big new house across the river next weekend!

Our little neighbor, Seaver, and Isabel did not get to really play as he and his mom were over taking pictures of Isabel a couple weeks ago, but I am sure once he gets a little bigger lots of fun will be had between these two.

And finally, we do not have pictures of all Isabel's friends at daycare, but mommy is slowly learning all their names: Arlo, Emma, Hannah, Nicholas, Gretta, Will, Kate, Isaac, Reed, and Brady. I think I am missing two or three, but not bad considering Isabel has only been there for about a month. Who is her friend she LOVES the most at daycare, though? Well, that would be Barbie!

Isabel loves being around people and playing with if you are ever around don't hesitate to stop in say hi! You will almost be guaranteed a smile from our little social butterfly!

1 comment:

  1. Barbie never changes, does she? She is the best! Isabel is so lucky to have such a super day-care momma.

    Loved seeing pictures of all Isabels friends... but I think I'm a bit jealous because she has more than me and she's only 5 months!
