Monday, September 20, 2010

One Year Ago

One year ago today we started this blog and announced to the cyber-world that we were expecting a little bundle of joy on April 13, 2010.

Can you see the similarities? It is hard to believe that a year has past since we got our first picture of little Isabel. We won't say that everything has been a cakewalk, but you won't hear any complaints from us either. We have a wonderful healthy little girl that entertains us to no end and we can't imagine life without her.

This past weekend marked another major milestone for Isabel. She got to go for her very first ride in her Burley. I think dad may have been the most excited, but I think Isabel liked it too...well at least the part she was awake for.

And to cover each of the blog's themes, a beer post. One of my favorite Colorado beers, Odell's 90 Shilling, made it's way to MN this summer. Back when Kati and I were dating, and I still lived in CO, Kati ordered 90 online and had it shipped to MN so she could surprise me with it when I came for my next visit. It was probably the most money Kati has ever spent on a 6 pack of beer, but it was definitely worth it. Now 90 is available in most liquor stores and best of all it is on tap at Turtles! Cheers!

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