Saturday, April 14, 2012

Week 37, Baby 2

Like I said last week, I didn't mind seeing a different OB, but there is something comforting about seeing my doctor who knows what this pregnancy has brought. My shortness of breath and heart palpitations have greatly subsided since the baby has dropped so that has brought relief leading us to believe everything will go back to normal after baby is born. I am not big on the "how much weight have you gained?" game in pregnancy, but I have to laugh as the doctor I saw last week said that I put on exactly what she would want me to be; whereas my doctor would have liked me to put on a little more weight. I truly believe having stomach bugs three different times during this pregnancy is the main culprit of lower weight gain...I would totally have put on more weight if I could have avoided the misery of being sick! 

Contractions are still random and mild. The most consistency I have had is three contractions each 20 minutes apart. Baby is growing and moving like a champ. He/she likes to move most at night when I crawl into bed, around about 4:00pm (when I am done with work), and in the early morning hours 4-5:00am. I am measuring at 40 weeks, dilated to 4cm, and 70% effaced...sounds good to me! She informed me of the on-call doctor this weekend and when she was on call next so maybe that was her telling me her prediction. Not that I want her to, but she said she cannot strip membranes until 39 weeks so really it just becomes a waiting game at this point until my body and baby say everything is ready...not just when mama, dada, Isabel, and the rest of us are ready!

Oh and by the way, the overwhelming prediction is Baby Mousel will be a boy probably by 95% to is praying we will find out soon, very soon!


  1. Good to read the update. We are praying right along with you (and agree with everyone else's prediction regarding the sex)!! Anxious to hear from you. Nana and Papa M.

  2. You're so far along for delivery already! That's great news. Everything WILL go back to normal when baby arrives, I know it! Here's to the next couple of days (hopefully).
