Saturday, April 21, 2012

Week 38, Baby 2

So here we are...still waiting to meet Baby Mousel even after being very far along last week. My doctor had not even walked into the room at my appointment yesterday and was already saying she was sure that she was not going to see me this week and thought I would have delivered last weekend! Everything continues to move in the right direction and baby is moving the best it can in its tight quarters. Luckily, I am feeling really good and sleeping wonderfully for the 3rd trimester. We are just so ready to meet our new little one and I am ready to be done with work.

Here are the stats from the appointment:
  • Baby bpm: 135 (As she showed me the monitor, I noticed that the heart rate ranged from 122-145 in a matter of 20-30 seconds...I learned that the heart rate should fluctuate greatly, and if it doesn't they could worry about neurological issues. Amazing what you can learn, when you ask questions!) 
  • Measurement: 40 weeks
  • Weight: Steady (no gain/loss...which again is typical as the body readies for labor)
  • Dilation: 5cm (half-way there!)
  • Effacement: 80% 
My doctor also commented that she has another patient that basically parallels me right now...similar due dates, and we are both measuring and dilating at the same rate. And we have both proven her wrong about delivery. She said she is going to end up running between our two delivery rooms as we will end up delivering at the same time. The other funny part of the comment: I figured out who the other patient is!

In other BIG news...
Isabel pooped for the first time in the potty at Barbie's yesterday so she got to wear big girl panties! The rest of Friday she did awesome, so we will see how today goes...crossing our fingers!

Isabel cuddling and resting on Mama's bump (for the time being)


  1. YAY for the baby news report - sounds good on that end! You best stay close to the hospital! DOUBLE YAY for Isabel pooping on the potty!!!! Good job Isabel - we are sure you got lots of SKITTLES to celebrate that moment! See you soon (we hope!!). Papa and Nana M

  2. I think she should get M&M's Grandma Lori. Although, Im sure Isabel will be MUCH cleaner with them than Paisley was with Uncle Timmy Wimmy!
